Car buffs (who receive National Geographic Channel) rejoice! I was browsing my TiVo and noticed a TON of Ultimate Factories car eps coming up. There's one ep on 5/13 (Audi R8), a ton on 5/22 and bunch more on 5/24. Here are the others I see on 5/22 and 5/24: Rolls-Royce, Lamborghini, Chevy Volt, Peterbilt, Winnebago, Ferrari, BMW Z4, Camaro, Corvette, and Porsche 911 Check your PVR or favorite TV listing site such as for the exact air dates and times. has a bit more info on each ep. was a thread on the Chevy Volt ep.
Wish I got Nat Geo Channel. I would like to see the PB factory show to see how much (or little) it has changed in 20 years.
If you're going to watch the Volt ep, I highly recommend watching the Camaro ep (even if you're not at GM fan) to see the contrast between pre-production, trying to work out the kinks prior to mass production and doing a lot of stuff by hand vs. full-blown mass production. The Corvette, BMW Z4, Lamborghini and IIRC Ferrari eps were all also worth a watch.
Reminder: Marathon and most eps start on 5/22. For me, they start at 9 am Pacific. Volt ep is at 11 am for me. Check your local listings/PVR.
I have watched the Porsche, Lambo and Audi episodes; so far, hands down, the Porsche episode is the best. Definitely worth the watch.
No marathon coming up, but I noticed that someone uploaded Ultimate Factories: Camaro to YouTube ( ultimate factories camaro - YouTube ) as 6 parts. Hopefully it doesn't get yanked. If you've never seen such documentaries or toured an auto assembly plant, you'd probably find it interesting.