Got some bad news about the main display in my 2004 Prius from dealer yesterday and wondering if anyone out there might have some suggestions that could save me some money. The display unit has been working intermittently as of late and after taking a look at it the dealer said it needed replacing and told me what it would cost. When I got up off the floor, I asked if there was some way I might get around paying the $980 + installation for a new unit. He said not to his knowledge. After ferreting about on the web, I did notice a radio repair shop in the UK advertising they fix these units. I wasn't able to find anything about repairs in my area--west coast Canada. The unit maker is Fujitsu Ten and the part # is 86110-47080. To be honest I am disappointed the unit failed so soon. I would appreciate hearing anything about trying to fix or replace this part without first having to have a conversation with my bank manger.
Although a newbie here myself, and owner of a "new" (new to me at any rate) 2008, I have been following the threads and have seen mention of some problems with the soldered connections on the unit. Since your MFD is "intermittant" (and you're feeling up to accessing it yourself thru partial dash disassembly), a quick check to look for obvious problems in the soldered joints from the cable wires to the boards might net you a relatively quick (and cheap) fix.
I bought a replacement for my 2006 screen from ebay and installed it myself. I think I paid something like $350 US.
The dealer had the unit out to get the part number, wonder if they would have checked connections? Thanks for the tip, though.
If you are not up to doing the repair yourself, Talk to Steve at AutoBeYours. He repairs these units and sells them for $325 plus shipping: Prius MFD Touchscreen Repair You send him back your old MFD as part of the deal which he then fixes for the next customer. Removing the MFD is not difficult and a Prius is usable without it. I took me about 45 minutes the first time (I did the repair myself, but it took two tries and about $35 to purchase better soldering tools for the second try) and less than that the second time when I also replaced my Radio/CD player ( a 2006 unit from Steve for $70 plus shipping, my CD player often refused to load CDs). JeffD
Thanks Jeff. Very useful info. I will definitely look into this. And thanks to all who have given me info to date. One feels less desperate armed with good advice.
All good. Now that the weather is getting hotter, the MFD is performing more consistently. Perhaps expansion of the solder joint causes a better contact.