I was reading a post from some idiot on Edmunds. You know the type... he has Prius envy and constantly posts negative information. I believe his user name is gagrice. A total shmuck. Anyway, he is claiming that not only is there an issue with the ECU, there are stalls that are a result of the fuel bladder. I have not read anything about this. This forum is the BEST for information, so I leave it up to the members to reply to this allegation. Once I have the information, I'll post a reply on Edmunds.
The extra range between fill ups, can cause bladder problems. I just make a point to stop and stretch, at rest stops.
The only bladder problems (the Prius', not mine) I've had so far is overfilling the tank, and having gas spill out. Of course, I sometimes did that with my Honda Accord as well. Maybe I'm just bad at pumping gas
Apparently there is a problem posted by one person on the NHTSA site. I wonder how reliable those posts are. The thing is, the hybrid haters LOVE when something in the news is negative about hybrids. Those people ought to get a life.