I've been waiting for the delivery of my 2005 seaside pearl Prius for 36 days now. I currently drive a '04 Pontiac Grand Prix (which gets a mere 17.5 MPG). If I am forced to refill the gas tank of the Grand Prix one more time, I think I'm going to go crazy. :cussing:
Hang in, there. I picked mine up last Monday. I had ordered it on May 31 and the dealer said 3 months plus or minus. It took 55 days. I sold my 1989 Mustang GT (17 miles per gallon) in record time....didn't even have to advertise or put a sign on it. I loved that car, but wow did it eat fuel, besides not having a working A/C. The day I picked up my Prius, I filled the tank on the Mustang and had to listen to the attendant telling me about his stupid love life. Thank goodness I won't be going there nearly as often.
Haven't you ever heard, Vespasian, tha the best things in life are worth waiting for. Trust me, if you back to some of the earliest posts to Priuschat, you'll find stories of waits that lastest many months. 36 days and counting is close to nothing compared to my own 200+ days of wait. Trust me, it's worth the wait. And the wait makes it all more worth it. Hang in there. Releif is on the way.
Now I don't know when it's arriving. I was told about 4 weeks, but that was 6 weeks ago. I would at least like for it to arrive before I start seeing pictures of the '06 Prius posted on the web.
Vespasian I know how you feel. I ordered my Prius on 7/11 (Tideland pkg 6) and I'm getting inpatient too! Can't wait to get behind the wheel. I'm hoping to get mine before pix of the 06 come out too...especially after I read about the new energy bill for 2006. But, If I can't stand to wait 30 days...how would I make it to January!! Hang in there. I'll bet we'll soon be talking on this site about the joys of actually driving our very own Prius!!
Well, I called the dealership today and was informed that although my name is at the top the list, they do not know when the next shipment will come in. Yippe.
Shop around for an aggressive dealer who doesn't charge over MSRP. My original dealer here in CT just sat by and waited for the cars to come in. I finally got tired of waiting for 3 months and called down to a NC dealership. They were great and they traded with another dealer while it was on the ship - They found one in 4 days for me! Just make sure your deposit is refundable.
Is there a PM function here, or can you post an email address? I bought my Prius from an IL dealer and they delivered in a weeks time. Even offered to deliver for free to the Chicago area.
In June, I bought my Prius at Toyota in Elmhurst, IL (Lake Street). I asked for the BC package and it arrived about 3 weeks later (along with three others delivered that day). I was pleasantly surprised.
I only (only!?) waited four weeks for mine, and I was bursting out of my skin with anticipation the whole time -- so I feel for you! When the car finally did come in, on a Monday, the dealer forgot/was too busy to call. So I didn't get the call until Tuesday. Then I had to arrange the insurance...long story short, I planned to pick the car up on Wednesday, but the insurance wouldn't start til Friday, so I had to wait two more days. Ack! Finally, Friday came, I arrived at the dealer, handed over my money, sat through the spiel about the extended warranty, waited through the registration process, and then...FINALLY...it was time to get the car, which was about a block or so down the street in their "cars awaiting delivery" building. Just as we were about to go get the car, the skies opened up and we had one of those end-of-the-world thunder and lightning storms. We had to wait that out before we could go get the car. AAAAAAAARGH! But now I have it and, yes, it was well worth the agonizing wait.
I know something that is worse. Having your Prius for several months, falling in love with it, and have it taken away from you by an ininsured, unlicensed driver that wrecks into you. Now I KNOW what I'm missing. I am looking at least 45 days to get mine back. The wait I had to get mine was not as bad as the wait I'm having now.