indian ringneck parrots are too funny. i've been continually amazed at what my little senegal parrot will come out and say. i've taught her the words for a lot of the minor events that go on around our home, so she's very good at associating words and sounds with events. she uses them to get what she wants- she will even tell me to turn the light off when she goes to bed, if i forget.
I'm sorry, rather than amazing, after just a few repetitions of its schtick a talking bird is at first merely irritating, and in a short time maddeningly so. Fortunately, it is easy to wring a small bird's neck. :behindsofa:
I once listened to a mockingbird in Texas imitate the sounds of construction - hammers, saws - near a building site. Somehow, I doubt the veracity of the Lyrebird's range...
[ame=]YouTube - World Record 20 Parrot Tricks in 2 Minutes - Kili Senegal Parrot[/ame]