Is there a way to bypass the navi start-up warning? I'm getting tired of pressing the "show map" button. I've already searched, but maybe i'm not using the right keywords. Maybe there's a chicken dance sequence somewhere to bypass it... Thanks.
I do not know about bypassing it, but I've found that a two-second wait was enough for it to press itself.
No worries! I'm just glad it does it on it's own. On my VW, it would sit there and stare at you until the end of time if you didn't acknowledge it. The thing that bakes my noodle is when I go to use voice command to input a destination and it tells me "That command is not available right now" if I haven't been to the map screen and the disclaimer been accepted previously.
Just tried your suggestion and it works. Thanks. I did experience the same thing you mentioned... in which the navi takes you to the disclaimer before the destination voice command works. Annoying, but understandable...they have to cover their liabilities right...
On the 2010 IV Prius is there any way to shut off the back up beeper under the dash??? My ears cant take the noise and it seams the only factory option is a long continuous beep or the beep-beep-beep all the time the car is in reverse. If it can t be unplugged maby it can be stuffed with permatex to shut it up! Other than this one problem we love our new red Prius!
I just made an appointment with the dealer to turn off the reverse beep. My question is - why is this not an option in the settings menu? Is there a legal/liability issue? I doubt it, since they will turn it off at the dealer. Everyone hates it, so it should be an option, just like any other menu option. By the way, an external beep would be far more useful than an internal one, to warn pedestrians.
Most Toyotas need to be taken to the dealer to have things customized (dusk sensor sensitivity, auto climate control sensitive, interior light timing, lock/unlock chirp, reverse beep etc etc etc). Only recently has Toyota given the owners the option by providing a customization menu (e.g. Highlander, Sienna, HS250h). This should've been done a LONG time ago. Why is Toyota making dealers do the job (which they rather not do anyway... they'd rather do service/repairs then something trivial as changing some options)
I would also like to see the codes and subcodes from the ECUs be displayed. If someone is stuck in the boonies, having the codes and a cell phone can mean the difference from a long wait for a tow or something less expensive and getting home. It is nuts to consider a cell-phone based safety system that goes out of its way to hide this information from the owner standing by the car. Bob Wilson