So you also, and won't let the facts get in the way of it. Properly installed fogs (and the Prius fogs fall into this category) won't blind oncoming drivers, by virtue of their design:
I don't own a Prius (yet), but I've had fog lights on several of my cars over the past 40 years, and I can honestly say I've only HAD to use them maybe two or three times. They are designed to be used for driving in pea-soup fog at night, period, when visibility is so poor that the only thing you, the driver, can see is the white lane stripes on the edge of the road, which the low beams don't see but fog lights illuminate very well. Fog lights saved my bacon a couple of times by keeping me from driving off the road, so I was glad I had them, but are they a must-have accessory that should sway your car-buying decision? No way. I see people driving with their fog lights on all the time on clear nights, and I just laugh. They may look cool, but serve no function most of the time. I will probably be buying a Prius V in the near future, but it will NOT be for the fog lights, that's for sure!
So basically we are just all supposed to listen to your opinions and keep our own to ourselves? Get over yourself. Do you have some sort of proof or data that says "many drivers" are blinded by the use of OEM foglights? Point me to your source. And as with the other poster, where did I say I used my foglights when there is no fog? All I said was other people's foglights don't bother me. Again, point me to the research that shows that your specific use of reflective tape will do any of those things and not cause any sort of adverse reaction with other drivers on the road. If this is such an incredible safety feature...why havent any departments of transportation in ANY country on earth made reflective trim mandatory on passenger vehicles for safety? I never said anything negative here, I posted very unbiased and factual opinions based on my training. Its up to you to refute those observations like an adult instead of calling me names like a child. And the fact that we aren't as polite has a lot to do with the fact that this fellow is as arrogant and rude as he his giving other members such a hard time WHENEVER they disagree with him about anything. If he were a little humbler I personally would have kept my opinion to myself.
Years ago, fog lights were amber (yellow) in color. I always assumed it was because the amber light was far less reflective off of the fog. At least that's what I remember. But I am old and forgetful. The white fogs seem much less useful to me. I have them only because they were on the car when I bought it. Any reason why manufacturers made a switch to white?
Thats exactly why... I think that the amber fogs went out of style, think about how we don't really have amber turnsignals anymore...they are clear with an amber bulb.
But I didn't take my own advice and refrain from feeding the troll. We have to keep each other strong!
Probably because ppl couldn't tell the difference.. and maybe white lights are cheaper and easier to find (if you think about it, it is cause some designs use the same bulb as the low beams on other cars).
Those blinding 'fog' lights are not OEM fog lights. I believe many OEM fogs are defunctionalized to the point of uselessness, included only as decorations. The blinding 'fog' lights are aftermarket lights, improperly aimed. A few aren't even fog lights, but are driving lights (high beam supplements) illegally used in place of fog lights.
New York City's "BELT PARKWAY" which follows the southern waterfront of Brooklyn had for many years Amber Yellow Lights only to light the roadway. I was told they were better in Fog and thus not installed on City highways with less propensity to Fog Banks. I think this theory was largely disproved and accounts for why my fathers' 1947 Chevy had OEM amber fog lights, and my new Prius has white ones. Most people agree that FOG lights are meant and designed to ONLY be useful in Serious FOG conditions, and not because someone likes the way they look when he never turns them off. Many drivers have eyesight that is less capable at night, and adversely affected by the extra glare from such oncoming unnecessary lights, so it is not only rude, and an improper use of the fog lights, but less safe and for some elderly drivers truly offensive.
Agreed. I also made this point in a post above, but some people refuse to let the facts get in the way of their opinion.
6 months and I think I have used them once! use my headlights all day I see people with them on day and night??
I use Foglights in bad weather conditions like fog, snow or rain. Austrian highway code permits use of fog-lights (wide beam lights) also on curvy roads, where it helps illuminating the roadside. On my new Prius (still on the first tank) I used them once during rain.
I've only had cars with OEM fog lights, and they were aimed low and wide. Normally used rarely, since conditions warrant only rarely in the non-coastal West. Driving a 1990 Integra home one night after working late on campus, I turned on the fog lights with regular low beams for wide coverage, because campus cyclists never put even reflectors on their bikes to help them to be seen. A few miles later, a city cop pulled me over because he thought I was driving with high beams on (a common sign of a drunk driver). I had to demo my bright and dim headlights, and fog lights on and off, to convince him. So many to educate, so little time.
If they were meant to be used with the headlights and not just for Fog, they wouldn't be called "FOG LIGHTS". That is a fact. If they were meant to be on and increase the oncoming Glare, they would be called Idiot Lights, Not "FOG LIGHTS". That is just appropriate. I'd like to see people who use FOG lights on clear nights have to have them disabled for improper use of the Fog Lights. But that's just my Opinion.
Well tell that to the DoT. In North America, fogs MUST be linked to the low beams. It kinda defeats the purpose imo. Have you considered the fact that it's probably b/c of your car (i.e. the Integra)? IIRC, the early 90s Integras had their foglights integrated into the headlight unit, particularly, it was located in the innermost section making them look like the high beams are on. That's why he probably thought you had your high beams on.
The Cosmetic User of Fog Lights will use them with no regard for their proper use, other people, or concern that they may not be usable when he might actually need them. But then no one ever suggested that driving a car required smart or even moderately courteous people. No Surprises here anywhere.