Ugh, I just washed & waxed (first time) my Prius in God forsaken 90 degree & humid weather. After sweating to death I noticed a long, faint scratch by the passenger door (don't know if it was done by a jerk or a car door b/c it is closest to the wheel and not the door handle) as well as 2 paint chips on the hood. I've only had the car since March '09 and have around 2,700 miles. My car is my baby (it's my first and I'm still so novice) and I was wondering what I can do to 'remove' these blemishes as inexpensive as possible. I'm going to the Toyota dealer for my first maintenance in August and was wondering if I should get it fixed there, and if so, how much $$$ should I expect to pay? Or, do those paint pen thingies work or will I screw up my car? If I spend a lot to fix it I am wondering if I should wait until (God forbid) more scratches. Keying seems to be very prevalent in my area-my mom's convertible top was slashed (nothing stolen-just an evil person) in our driveway. Anyway, any advice would be great.
Depending on how large/deep the scratches/chips are, you may be able to repair them yourself. Pick up some touch up paint at the dealer (color only--don't worry about the clear coat). The key to repairing small paint damage is several light coats. Don't use the included brush. Get a toothpick and dip it in the bottle and get a small amount of paint on the tip and dab the damaged area. Allow to dry 5 minutes, during which time the paint will evaporate and shrink in size. Repeat until you've filled the imperfection (could take several coats, or only 2). If you're lucky that's all you'll need to do. On a larger or more severely damaged area, you might need something like Langka: LANGKA Paint Chip and Scratch Repair
What stream said. Now put mudflaps on the car & look for a VentureShield installer that is willing to cover the car. The Prius is a scratch magnet. I pick up a lot of sratches on the front fenders and around the passenger door handles & wells. At least do the standard pieces, the fenders & the doors.
I agree with stream and JimN get some touch up paint and use a toothpick and many coats. If the long scratch isn't to deep it might come out with some scratch remover. I use Meguiar's ScratchX but there are other good products available as well. I'm going to try to get a clear bra product (Ventureshield, Clearshield, etc.) installed as soon as I can after my car arrives.
I keep my car dirty so I don't worry about the chips and scratches anymore. ound: Cars are for driving, not for worrying.
^I want to enjoy the newness for a few more months before I stop worrying (oops, too late!). :heh: Not meaning to dredge up an ole' thread but this is applicable to the 20 or so rock chips on my bumper/hood. I'm going to give this a go as soon as the rain clears out. Thanks again, Stream. Edit: On second thought, it's difficult to get an appropriate amount of paint on the tip for these small chips, so I may end up looking into that Langka solution.
So you haven't changed the oil in 14 months ? Not Good. Motors have oil contaminated by condensation, and dirt even when the car is seldom driven, so the oil should be removed, the oil filter replaced, and the engine refilled with fresh oil every 6 months minimum, to protect your investment. How often do you check the air in the tires ? So you drive the Prius about 50 miles a week ? (2700 in 14 months).
You need to check the date of the original posting; this was posted last July, therefore 2700 miles in app. 5 months since the owner bought the car is entirely reasonable.