I've searched and found lots of great photos and info. I'm getting tint put on tomorrow. Was thinking of 35% on the 8 side windows then 5% on the 2 in the rear end and 5% brow on windshield. Other choice would be 35% on the front 2 then 18% on the other 8 windows with a brow but I don't really like the staggered look on the side glass. My car is Blizzard Pearl with the light tan bisque interior. Ohio law is 50% front and whatever behind it. Other car is a Chrysler 300SRT8 black/black leather with 20% all around and with the dark interior and the squatty windows it looks even darker than what it should be. But I have not been pulled over with this tint in the 300 since I've had it... knock wood. While I think 18% all around would be absolutely beautiful on the white Prius I'm worried about getting pulled over especially after wing night at my local watering hole. My tint guy currently uses Suntek and has either 35%, 18%, or 5% for my choices. Do you think the 35% on the 8 sides would appear much darker using 5% hatch and brow? Cops let 35% slide in my area, even the state boys let it go, one trooper said his allowance is around 23% total VLT. So our 75% windows with 35% tint would yield about 26% VLT and I'd be good without a fix it ticket. Wish my tint guy carried the 25% Suntek Carbon. I just think with the light interior and the greenhouse effect of the Prius I'm going to look and at it and say that's too light. Or do I just say F it and go 18% all around and keep my fingers crossed? Anyone photos or comments greatly appreciated. Here is my 300 with the 20% for reference.
I had Suntek carbon series and I had 35% done. With the tint meter the sides read 29% VLT. In IL, it has to be at least 30% VLT. On other 2010 I had 38% done and it reads 31% VLT. This was done also with Suntek carbon series. I would go with 35% all around. I like the look of uniform. But, You could go darker in the hatch area since it has expansive glass and to keep things out of people's eyes. Also, with the bisque interior the tint will look lighter since the interior isn't dark. Here is window tint thread: http://priuschat.com/forums/gen-iii...s/63864-tinting-prius-2010-good-idea-bad.html
I say go for 18% all around until you get your first fix it ticket, then replace with 35% on the front two. Who knows, you might get as lucky as you've been with the 300?
I actually went with 50% all around this time. I've had tint ranging from 38% to 20% in various color temperatures and, at my age (39), I found the 20% was very difficult to see out of when backing out of a driveway at night. Given that you don't have the solar loading in Cleveland that you would in, say, Las Vegas (I should know -- born & raised in North Canton and have lived in Vegas), I would pick a lighter tint which retained the same UV/IR rejection capabilities. @ibnird: No. I don't see where he said that. What I was able to infer from "worried about getting pulled over especially after wing night at my local watering hole" was that he frequented a heavily-patrolled area and didn't want to do anything to attract undue attention. Same reason I use the cruise control along a 35-mph stretch of Route 22 near my home. It's two miles of straight shot, waaaaay to easy to "get going" and very closely monitored.
May I ask why are you doing tint? For more privacy? To keep the cabin cooler? For looks? I prefer no tint. When I am biking and a car pulls up to an intersection on me, I like to see that the driver sees me. When a car has dark tinted windows, it's pretty much impossible to see the driver and get acknowledgement that he sees you. By the way, that also goes for when I am driving my car!
Decided to go 18% all around at the advice of the installer. Main reason for tint is to keep the heat down, the Prius will be sitting in the sun about 10 hours a day. Looks and privacy are secondary to the protection. ...> ibnird, sorry if it came across that way but no I do not habitually drive OVI. Occasionally I meet some of the guys at our local Quaker Steak and Lube which is a local chicken wing chain with mega widescreen TV's etc. Yes I will have 2 or 3 beers with my dinner then drive home. Is that driving drunk? Well it could very well be a .08 on an Intoxilyzer depending on circumstances. Is it a habit? No way. Chris worded it as I intended to be put.
That's definitely true. I once passed a bar and changed lanes twice within a short period of time and got pulled over for "wavering."
Wanted to follow up on this tread with a couple photos. I went with the 18% all around plus a brow. It was sunny yesterday and it looked great. These photos are from my Samsung Interpid cell phone and it is a very overcast day so they do appear a little darker.
George, It looks very nice. When I come to Akron next to visit my grandmother (sometime in June), we'll have to meet up, compare notes and take some photos! (And maybe a beer at the Quaker Steak and Lube... )
I need to take pictures of my IV during the day - this is with 30% tint all round - nothing on the windshield