This may be a silly question, but what's the intended use of the AC adapter hidden inside the center pop-up console? It seems convenient initially, in terms of plugging in cell phones, mp3 players, etc., without a cord stretching across the car from the other AC adapter - but there's no simple way to use anything that's plugged in there. There's no hole for your cord to get out, and if you open the console it pops halfway up - there's no way to keep it open just enough to allow the cord through. Is the only point to charge things when you're totally not using them? Has anyone modded the console to allow a cord to sneak through?
I can close the lid with my cell phone wire allowing me to use my phone while it's plugged in. I suppose that depending on the width of the cord, electronic gadgets could be powered for the backseat: DVD player, game consoles, whatnot. I don't have kids and rarely use the backseat for humans, so I wouldn't know directly.
Well its kinda obvious. Its for bluetooth cell phones. You let it charge and run off the car, while its wirelessly connected to the handsfree thingy
That's not unique to the Prius, westofrome. I had one of those in my Corolla, too. Sid - it's in the center storage compartment between the front seats. It's at the bottom front on the driver's side of the compartment. It's a neat thing to have because you can charge your cellphone without it being out somewhere where it can be seen and is out of the way.
The 12V DC port in the center console works well to charge my cell phone and iPod adapter. I can place both inside the center cosole with the lid closed. You easily lay one of the coils in the cord on the edge as you close the console lid. The iPod or cell phone can sit in one of the center cup holders or on the passenger seat. Very convenient, easy and reliable.
I checked the voltage-it is 12VDC. If you want to avoid using an inverter, you can trade the Prius in for the GM "hybrid" pickup truck which has 110VAC, which makes almost no sense at all.
I use an inverter stored in the console, and have an AC cord coming out of the console with the cover down, going to my electric shaver. No problems with the cord going through.
In Japan, there is this factory option that allows you to install a socket for 100V (max. 100W) AC power source. Note that they don't use a ground prong for the plug in Japan. [Broken External Image]:
I'll bet they get a real charge out of that option, Areometer. I suppose everyone needs some kind of outlet, eh? heh heh
What about using the new power inverted from RS in the center console? I have not purchased it myself yet, but it sure looks like it would fit in the center console swiveled up 90 degrees, and have enough room left so that you plug right into it. Again, I do not know if it would actually fit, but maybe??? So, if anyone lives near a RS and tries this before I do, let us all know. BTW, RS has both a 75W and a 150W version of this swivel DC-to-AC power inverter. [Broken External Image]:
RadMarv was so excited about that RS unit, he stopped by a RS just now to take a look at it. Must be because of that big 17" HP widescreen notebook he has. WELL, this RS power inverter doesn't swivel that far. He said it only swiveled about 35 degrees or so...YUK! He did say that it would fit in the center console. However, I fell that without swiveling to 90 degrees it is not going to work right. He also said that the RS unit does have both a 110v outlet including a 12V pass-through outlet on it which you cannot see from the picture. [Broken External Image]: Anyway, let's try another unit then. I found this Cyberpower unit which does say it will swivel a wopping 180 degrees, but don't know if it will fit in the center console and it does not have the 12V outlet like the RS unit does. BTW, Best Buy carries it for around $49, but I found it online elsewhere for $26.
I use one just like it from Kensington and it doesn't swivel, but it still fits. I don't have a car charger for my cell phone so I just use that. Fits just fine Kensington
I have an xm2go system and use the center to plug it in. It's nice that it shuts off when the car is powered down so I don't have to worry about unplugging it. The wires small enough to go through without a problem.
WARNING Do you see those air vents on the side of these adaptors? These are for cooling. If you place this device in the center console without proper ventilation the unit could over heat. The unit may then become disfunctional and/or start a fire if the right combustion material comes in contact with it (paper etc). I am not saying it will do this I am just suggesting that proper precautions be observed.