I am by no means a Photoshop expert, but I did play around a little. I was surprised, I think the general idea isn't too bad at all. Whatcha think? S.
Perhaps red rims. And that thing screams for a luggage rack, but that would make the MPGs go haywire.
I don't get it. Door looks like primer awaiting paint job. Wheels look like cheap steel missing hubcaps. Whitewalls - ??? belong on '50s Buicks. Maybe there is some esthetic here that I am clueless about. The thread title is a hint to - what? Enlighten me.
FYI - rat rods are in various stages of the build. Think street rods from the early 1960's. Do you recall Big Daddy Roth? The KING of rat rods! Google it.
the point for many people is, rat-rods look only right with old cars. I agree mostly, but I kinda like the look. I think what makes it interesting is to have a car which obviously is in very good shape, but has some parts that look old. No clue. As I said, it's an experiment, not how my car looks Although I am thinking about the whitewalls and the black (or red) rims for winter, since those are my winter rims anyway, and the hubcaps I have for them look like sh.... S.
Maybe it's an age or generational thing but that's never going to appeal to me. Just tell me white striped white wall tires aren't making a comeback...please. You can call it Rat Rod or whatever, the net result is a look that seems to be born out of an unfortunate personal economic downturn. I'd never purposely keep my car in a state like that, unless I had no choice. Even then, I'd consider a car cover and biking everywhere until I could afford to do something.
What do I think? I think you need to look into appropriately sizing your image files, for starters... . _H*
teehee true, sorry, that's the downside of having a fast internet connection. You tend to forget it might be slow for others. And thanks for the comments. I still kinda like it. But then again I might just try to get some nice rims and start with that. Unfortunately, the Germans are kinda reluctant to let you put any rim on a car. They have to be DMV-approved and stuff. S.