Help! I have registered my phone and my wife's phone in bluetooth in my new Prius. When my son called my wife's phone this morning in the car, it did not go to bluetooth. I guess it was set on my phone. I thought that bluetooth would be able to automatically pick up either phone, but it looks like you have to switch phones. I read the manual but it is not very helpful about this. I just need to know how to easily switch incoming calls between the two registered phones. Thanks for any help.
The system maintains the last phone selected. If you want another paired phone, you will have to manually switch to the other phone. It will not switch automatically. I cannot remember the exact steps but, assuming you have Nav, you go to Info-Phone, then there should be a tab for selecting paired phones. It should give you a list of paired phones and you select the one that you want to switch to.
Thanks. That's what I was thinking. I would prefer it if bluetooth just accepted calls from either phone. That would make sense, I think. By the way, I have a verizon LG phone and it would not transfer the contact list - I had to enter them manually. In general, I love my new Prius iv (red with solar). It is nearly perfect. I would only add a fully powered seat and a switch on the steering wheel to go to power mode for passing. Pressing the button on the dash is just awkward. I was also thinking they could have a rain sensor to close the sunroof automatically in the rain.
Glad to hear you are enjoying your new Prius. I have had mine for about 9 months and still love to drive it every day. I also have the Verizon LG phone. It has been a while since I paired it but I am pretty sure I had to manually upload the contact information. Toyota has a website,, where you can enter you car info and then your phone service provider info and it will give you a list of phones that have been tested with the car. If your phone has been tested, then it will give you a table of all of the features of the phone and how it will work with the car system. This table will tell you whether the contact list can be automatically or manually loaded. Hope this helps.
It works with the Droid so I'd imagine you'll be fine with the Dinc. They are both running the same version of Android.
I have the same problem with 2 phones. To quickly check which one the BT is paired to, and/or to switch to the other phone, press the Talk switch on the steering wheel. The displayed screen shows at the top which phone is connected and there is a large Connect button to connect the other phone if needed. Once done, press the Off hook switch to go back to Nav screen. That's the quickest way I have found.
I would imagine it would be hard to design the car to accept calls from two phones at once. For example, what would happen if you're talking to someone on your phone and your friend gets a call on his phone?
What upsets me is that I can successfully connect two phones (not at the same time) an iPhone and a Samsung Messenger to Bluetooth (Nav head unit). With the Samsung Messenger I can initiate an address book download and successfully transfer all my contacts to the car. The iPhone 3G does not have the functionality to transfer contacts to the car via Bluetooth (other Bluetooth functions work perfectly). The address book is, however, linked to the phone in use. So I cannot access the Samsung smartphone address book when I am connected with the iPhone. Frustrating - I have to manually create the iPhone address book; iPhone can't access the Samsung address book.
I could transfer contacts from the iPhone to the car without problems. Fact is, that transferred contacts seem to work only with the phone from which they were transferred.
By design. Otherwise your wife gets your contacts and vice versa. That could be good, or it could be really, really bad. Tom
Yeah, I'm not sure why your iPhone doesn't transfer your phone book automatically. The only thing I noticed is that after I did it initially I got a "transfer failed" message and when I tried again it's worked flawlessly. Also, if you change entries on your phone you need to delete your phone book and re-transfer it to the car via Bluetooth in order to have the updated phone book be displayed.