For those of you who own a Prius 2010, could you tell me whether it is possible to tell how much fuel was used for a given trip? That is apparently an interesting feature of the scangauge. I'd like to know if it available on the new Prius. Based on pictures that are posted on various threads, I seem to understand it is possible to get the average MPG for a given trip (is that correct?) - from which the amount of fuel can be worked out. Is it the only way? I'd love to have a copy of the 2010 owner's manual. Anyone knows where they can be found on the web?
They are supposed to have interactive manuals at You have to register your VIN no. as an owner.
Nope but you can track mpg for each trip odometer so yes you can deduce the amount of fuel used that way.
Not directly. But with a non US car, in L/100km, use the trip average consumption multiplied by the trip distance (in hundred km). L/100 km x 100 km = L or if you are agile with the metric system (1 cL = 10 mL = 0.01 L = 2 tea spoons) L/100 km x km = cL For example, my commute this morning: 3.5 L/100km x 11 km = 38.5 cL (or 385 mL, or 0.385 L) In the US MPG so called "system": 1 ÷ (M/G ÷ M) = G. e.g. 1 ÷ (67 MPG ÷ 6.8 miles) = 0.1 gal. (and multiply by 1.05-1.08 to take into account the preprogrammed ~5-8% error between displayed fuel consumption and real fuel consumption... :tsk