OK, I've read the threads on roof racks and know I need a Thule or Yakima (and that it's almost like arguing politics if you ask which is better). Here's what I don't know: --Are racks easily removable? I don't see myself using it but a few times a year, and don't want to have to leave it on all the time. --My primary use for the rack will be cargo. Both the Thule and the Yakima sites give me several choices for cargo carriers they say will fit the 2010 Prius. When I look at the measurements, though, some of the carriers seem really long--92 inches. I've never used a carrier like this before and I've never seen one on a Prius. I know they say it will fit, but what is a really practical size? Thanks.
I have a Yakima rooftop rack with the appropriate clips for my Prius IV. They work just fine and the rack fit is good. My primary "cargo" is bicycles. My only gripe is that hanging a bike up there in the wind really hits the gas mileage pretty hard (I lose about 4mpg). Not that this is a surprise. It's true for any car -- but with a Prius, you pay more attention to such things. In any other car, I could easily ignore it. The racks are relatively easy to put on and take off. It takes longer to put them on, because I want to make sure that the job is done right. I've seen too many people (regardless of brand of rack) do a sloppy job and end up leaving their cargo on the freeway. I don't own a carrier so I can't really offer any advice, but with any of the Yakima accessories, the dimension you need to look at is the minimum bar-to-bar distance for the accessory. If the accessory's spec is less than or equal to the maximum bar-to-bar distance for your vehicle, you should be good to go.
I don't own a 2010 but I do have a cargo box on top. I would say the best choice size wise is the Yakima Rocketbox 11. Its great because it is not wide like the rest of the options. This leaves room for other accessories like bike racks. It is also a good length because it can hold skis or camping gear very easily. It may not be shiny but I highly suggest it. I love mine. In addition to JThayer's comment, I also agree that it will affect you gas mileage in some part. I take mine on and off about once a month. Once you get the hang of how the rack works it only takes about 1 min to get it on and off.