Okay, I'm at my wit's end. I called my dealer yesterday and he told me that the truck with my Prius on it had left the port in Florida Tuesday night, and that it would be 2-3 days before it got there. Well, it ain't here yet, and tomorrow makes it 3 days. I believe I've developed a slight case of obsessive-compulsive disorder this week; I don't want to leave my desk at work in case the call comes in that my Prius has arrived, I call home to check the answering machine every hour, and I've been calling the dealership at least three times a day every day for the past two weeks. I've also had stomach pains today which is probably a result of the stress I'm causing myself. If this goes on any longer, I may end up in the psych ward of my local hospital. Arrggghh! Somebody shoot me! :guns: ukeleft:
We are in the same boat, although mine does not arrive for 5 days. I have talked to my dealer everyday and sometimes he calls me before I get the chance to call him to tell me there is no news. He finds my obsession entertaining
I was in the same boat a couple of weeks ago. The car should have been in but it wasn't. When the dealer started talking about searching for the car, putting the delivery on "Hot" and it still didn't come - I started thinking it was all smoke and mirrors. But sure enough it arrived just as ordered and just a bit later then I had expected and hoped. Hang in there! It's coming - soon! Very soon!! Mark
What's worse is when the phone rings and it's not the dealer. My partner called me like 3 times that day just to see if the dealer called me yet. Soon it'll all be over, don't worry. You're almost there! -m.
Yeah, my wife's been doing that to me, too. It's sad that I'm disappointed to see her name on my caller ID. Hopefully that'll be over soon. :roll:
ARG!! Why not ME!! Whoops! I mean, "Congratultions have fun learnig your new car!" I get sort of a chuckle when I see friends every couple of weeks who say, "So, how's that Star Wars car?" When I reply, "I don't know, haven't gotten it yet" it usually starts a "Then get something else" conversation that gives me tiredhead.
Okay, I called my dealer and he assured me that I'd be getting my Prius today. He said it should definitely be here by 4:30. He's already called my bank to get the pay-off amount on my Mustang which I'm trading in. I think this is about to be my longest work-day ever. :|