[align=justify][marq=left] The Immobilizer icon flashes whenever the fob is removed. Is this normal and, if so, to what purpose? It would seem to be a ineffective deterant unless the potential thief had a owners manual handy to explain what the signal meant.
When you say that you remove the fob, is this because you're exiting the car? Do you have Smart-Key? Personally, I have never put the fob in the dash. Is the Immobilizer icon the key with the exclamation point through it? I would think that any sentient human would see that thing flash and know that it's a key and there's an exclamation point. That probably means that it's locked and alarmed. On the other hand, I had a friend who wired an LED to flash every three seconds. He poked it through his dashboard and it looked identical to the flashing LEDs of legitimate car alarms.
I I do not have a "Smart Key" therefore the fob is out of the dash slot whenever I leave the car. The icon is a car with a key through it. No exclamation point. Unless our thief had eyes like a hawk and was indeed a sentient human being, the icon is merely a flashing orange light and not particularly threatening. To top it off my car is not equipped with an alarm system!!
Actually, it does have the alarm, just that you didn't pay for it, so it is turned off. It can be turned on easily using the scanner.