Took delivery of a black 2010 III with 70 miles and a date of March '10 on the door jam. Looked it over before I left the lot and it looked perfect. I was then following my wife home and noticed a couple dimple/bends in the plastic along the driver's lower rocker panel. I'm going to call sales guy on Monday and inquire but wanted to get some suggestions from the forum. Here is a photo from my camera phone and another closer up after I got home. It looks like either jack points or what I'm thinking is perhaps some sort of tie downs that were too tight when it was in transit (ship, rail, carrier truck). Doesn't look like dealership damage or damage that occurred during the first 70 miles, its too uniform. If the car was silver or white I prob would not have noticed but the shiny black shows everything. It can only be seen at an angel and shows up more so than what these pic depict. The passenger's side is smooth and straight with no waves. I think I didn't notice it because he was parked next to another car at delivery. What do you guys think? BTW I love this car!
Looks dented by accident. Look at my car on the side in one of the pictures. No dent understand at all. You really should get this done asap.
I suggest someone lifted the car at those points, where the car is NOT meant to be supported, and the weight caused the distortions you are seeing. I would demand a new undamaged car from the dealer, he sold you damaged goods.
70 miles is a USED car ! Mine was a USED car as well delivered with 167 miles on it, so I went over it with a fine toothed comb before delivery to see what damage was done by the previous Drivers.
I agree that it looks more like lift damage. But of course nobody is going to be able to prove that one way or another. The only thing for sure, is that it IS damage. You need to document and voice your concerns. It sort of becomes a mess now. You'll have to decide what you are willing to accept as resolution and then find out what the dealer is willing to provide. If there is a gap? You might have to go up the line of complaints. But here is hoping that you and your dealer can agree on acceptable resolution be it something between body work and/or total vehicle replacement. But bottom line, there is damage...somebody should of caught it, you shouldn't have a new car with that type of damage on it. Good Luck.
Its not a used car...its a never before titled one owner brand new car. Its 2 months old and was no doubt used as a test drive vehicle for the dealership. You have to be reasonable...the dealer won't replace the car...but the dealer should repair that damage. I agree that is definitely damage resulting from an improper lift of the vehicle.
It's not used. I would walk, not run to the dealer ASAP, for a fix, because they will not replace it. Fo some reason it has been up on the service department lift. When I took delivery of mine I found two rubber plugs in the dash compartment that were suppused to be installed at PDI. Maybe the car was on the lift to install yours? No matter - sounds like you just got your Prius, so again, I reiterate - get to the dealer asap.
Lift damage makes sense in how those arms swing in under the car. Just don't know why it would have been on the lift. Here are a couple more photos. Going to request the rocker to be repaired I think asking for a replacement car is a little overboard.
Just to clarify...I presented bodywork to total vehicle replacement as the two ends of the spectrum. I do think it would be very, very difficult to get your dealer to replace the entire vehicle outright. However, I have heard stories.... Sincerely, Good Luck. That's a real bummer with a new car, because we all expect an untouched pristine begining. I have a high degree of personal paranoia, but it would also bother me wondering how and why the damage occured. Because if it IS lift damage then you are correct, the follow up question becomes "Why was it on a Lift?". Also that damage seems so severe that wherever it happened I can't imagine somebody wouldn't notice it. Factory, Shipping or should of never ended up on the lot in that condition. Sorry...don't mean to add to your's more than likely just what it appears to be, which is really minor cosmetic damage....unacceptable but totally repairable and something hopefully that does get resolved to your satisfaction.
The Toyota "Dealer Inventory Detail", which states what equipment the car has, the various items of the cost of the vehicle -- not only Retail and Dealer, but price components such as Destination, TDA, etc -- also has a field for "Damage." So, if there's shipping damage, I'm going to venture a guess that the dealer records it in order to get paid for fixing it. So, ask to see that sheet on your car.
Since your car had 70 miles on it, was it a "dealer swap"? If it did start out at another dealer it will add another place into the mix where the damage might have happened.
I believe there are bumpers and things for shipping they have to put the car on the lift for to remove when they do the pre-delivery inspection...
I truly hate to be the bearer of bad news, but the moment that car left the lot after you signed the paperwork saying the car was in acceptable condition, you released the dealership of responsibility for that damage. You and your salesperson were supose to have visually inspected the entire car for damage. Did he do that with you? (At least that's how it is in AZ.) If you purchased from a truly reputable dealer, they will repair it, but since it was not reported during the prep and detailing of the car for delivery, I have serious concerns for you getting any satisfaction from your dealer taking responsibility for that damage. Have you contacted your insurance agent? She/He may be able to put more presure on the dealership to repair the damage than you can alone. Tom
Tom.. I did do a walk around with the sales person. The Prius was prepped and parked next to another car so without laying on my side between the two cars or getting down on my hands and knees and crawling around the car to inspect it at delivery there is no way I could have seen the damage. I do agree with you about the release and sign off of the vehicle at delivery as far as legalities are concerned; they could tell me to pound salt. As far as the insurance guy I did this deal at 5:30 yesterday (Saturday) so neither the dealership or the agent has been open since I noticed this and as I type this on Sunday just 24 hrs after delivery. Thanks for the post.
I just ache for you because I know how much finding something like that sucks. I truly hope your dealer does the 'right' thing! I just personally can't imagine 'they' (someone at that shop) didn't know about that damage. It may also be that someone at the dealership damaged it and didn't report it to save their own skin. But even so, the fact it wasn't caught and reported to the sales person by the prep and detail crew and then specifically pointed out to you at delivery doesn't bode well for the dealerships sales departments reputation. Tom
Has anyone ever heard of someone being able to exchange their car for another one because of hidden damage? I drove off the lot 30 minutes before closing on Saturday so it might be possible that my paperwork is still sitting waiting for Monday morning. I gave the car the walk around and was looking for dings and such but I never would have inspected what one might consider part of the undercarriage of the vehicle because of lift damage. I will be talking to dealer first thing Monday morning. Thanks for all the replies.
Spoke with sales guy this morning and I am able to return this black Prius and exchange it for another one no questions asked I am sooo relieved! I've always had black cars but they have been metallic. The black on this Prius is very sensitive, perhaps the clearcoat has some more hardening to do?? But if I go to rub a spot with a bug on it with a rag or even my finger it leaves those fine spiderweb markings in the paint. The black paint on my 07 300 SRT8 with 27,000 miles is in better shape than the black on this Prius with 100 miles. I may take a look at the silver.