"Last week it surfaced that the Nissan LEAF battery may cost an astoundingly low $375 per kilowatt hour to produce. Given that the battery is the single most expensive piece of equipment on electric cars, getting that cost down as quickly as possible will be key to selling them at reasonable prices." Nissan May Not be Talking, But Others are Spilling the Beans on the LEAF Battery Price : Gas 2.0
More, and perhaps more telling quote from the article which is really a summary of a couple other articles all put together:
Let's see.. $15000 vehicle. $11000 battery $??? R&D Amortization ($1000 based on 500,000 vehicle sales over 5-yrs?) $??? Marketing/Adv..($500?) $800-ish Transport $1000 Dealer costs $2500 8% Gross margin to Nissan ====================== Invoice price to dealer $??? Dealer profit.. ($2000 Typically ) $32750 MSRP
Well you forgot to amortize in an amount for all the Jim Sikes/nut jobs out there who can't drive, yet want to blame the manufacturer, ie; legal. That'll jack another 25% into the equation.
as volume increases, prices will go down. its good that Nissan is working an end to end solution to manufacture their own batteries. hopefully their cost calculations are accurate
LOL...nice try...read the prior post again and you will see that the $15,000 is 'components' ONLY, not labor. So you have to factor in the labor to build the car...so there's no way the dealer is going to make anywhere near $2000...more like $200-300.
I hope Nissan is not trying to go the inkjet printer strategy. Give the Leaf away and make money on the replacement battery.