After winter months of sub-50 MPG - My current tank was registering over 62 MPG last night!! Best I've seen in the 10 months I've had my 2010. I love my car! :whoo: :whoo::whoo:
Hey long time no post.? Glad the car is putting out. I am back up into the mid-50s myself. Happy days.
Hi Spiderman! I've been busy, but do the occasional lurking. Glad summer's coming - and not only for the MPG!
Agreed! I too am experiencing thankfully higher numbers, not THAT high though. I was down to 45 ish and am back up to 49/50 ish.
Since the weather has warmed up a bit here in Southern Ontario I'm happy. My last couple of days sees me averaging (3.5L/100km) 67 US MPG or almost 81 Imp MPG I can't wait to get this thing out on the Hwy to New Brunswick this summer.
warmer weather has helped me 61 mpg 63 mpg 6 to 7 hundred mi each week few hills but mostly flat land, saving the bucks. Easy on the pedal. average speed 60
i'm still at around 48 mpg on the hsi. last week, i had a 400 mile round trip with OAT 65-70F and i got only around 52-53 on hsi even with a/c off. i thought highway driving should give higher mpg but.... come summer, the a/c use will reduce mpg.