"Nissan is already reporting 56,000 orders (Nissan Leaf) for the vehicle in the United States" Nissan Leaf Production Capacity to Reach 500,000 Units by 2012 | 4EVRiders.org - Charging Locator and News on Electric and Plug-in Hybrid Vehicles
WHAAAA? 56,000? That has to be fleet orders too. Where does that leave us individuals getting our cars? They are only going to make 12,000 cars between the start of production and the end of Q1 next year and the target is only 50,000 for the entire first year of production worldwide!
should have ordered during the initial reservation period then. They only collected approximately 6,000 orders from the first week of that. Assuming we all get first priority, we fall well within your numbers.
Did, within the first few minutes, as a matter of fact. :cheer2: Turns out most think it to be a reporting error. Apparently 56,000 was the (very old) number of initial "hand raisers". I am still worried about the number from the initial production run that will be going to fleet orders, such as the order from Hertz.
Nissan Leaf general public reservation period opens tomorrow, 9,500 orders in " Nissan is reporting that 9,500 orders are already in and the number continues to grow daily" Nissan Leaf general public reservation period opens tomorrow, 9,500 orders in — Autoblog Green These numbers are more realistic?
. . . . and it MAY get worse! Think about it ... only pre-orders received by way of signing up, account for THESE orders. On May 15, ANYBODY can put their $99 down. I'm wondering what, if anything that will do the the pre-orders. Man - 56 THOUSAND ... sure makes it obvious GM didn't know WHAT the heck they were talking about, when they said, "no one wants EV's ... so we're going to crush 'em for their own good". Can you even imagine WHERE GM would be right now, with a massive 12 year lead on the other guys ... if they'd have had the kind of leadership to keep moving forward with the EV1?
I doubt that number is for US only, more like world wide orders. There is no official announcement from Nissan. The news is written by autoevolution.
Hill...there are only 9,500 total orders ($99) so far, not 56,000. That was the number of 'hand raisers', people that registered on the Nissan website.
Still, GM is only planning on building 10,000 volts in the first year. Nissan nearly has that number of Leafs preordered. Of course without GMs complete destruction of the EV market 10 years ago, none of this would have been possible. GM, thanks for being the worlds largest f____p
I am happy to see that people are putting their money where their mouths are whether it is Tesla or Nissan. How much could GM have raised if they took Volt deposits? As a disintrested outsider it seems it would be fairer if Nissan shipped the cars on a first in, first out basis regardless of location.
Just in case you haven't been informed, Nissan is shipping to the five initial rollout states FIRST because there will be massive infrastructure (over 1,000 Level 2 and 50 L3 in each state) in place BEFORE the cars are delivered. Also, in the other states, the LEAF specialists at the dealerships won't be available yet. So it is FAIR to sell them to the first thousand customers in those five rollout states.