I am a new owner and loving every minute of my new Prius. So far after about 200 miles and the HSI is telling me that I am averaging 61 mpgs. Although this is nice I don't want to be using the battery too much only to have it break down in couple of years. This is how I drive for now... Accelerate: I use the left side of the HSI to get the car moving to about 12-13 mph and then I transition to the right side and hear the engine come on until I get to about 39 mph. Cruise/Maintain Speed:Then I let off and re-apply the gas and basically use the left side of the HSI to maintain a cruising speed of 35 mph, this speed is maintained only by the battery. Braking: When I see a red light coming up I let off the gas and allow the car to regen on its own, as the light gets closer I apply the brakes and do more regen. Please help me understand if I am driving efficiently or if I am killing the battery!!! Thanks Alex
Just drive. It is FAR more important to be aware of your fellow drivers, pedestrians, children playing by the road, wild animals, etc. than it is to be looking at the display. Your battery has a 100,000 mile warranty, maybe more. Sadly Prius batteries are all over ebay because the car was totaled. We like you, be safe out there.
Your ride won't even be broken in until it's appx 10,000 miles old. You mpg's will get higher, just from the practice alone over that time. So in the mean time (as already stated) don't sweat it. .
I've watched the video couple of times, but I did not catch anywhere how to maintain speed and if maintaining speed by ways of using the battery is ok or not. I am in Chicago so pulse and glide is pretty much out of the question. I don't want to slow down traffic and then speed up again only to slow them down again.
Hi Alex, The trick to being able to do pulse and glide is anti-traffic techniques (at least that is what I call it). Maybe I have it easier out here in the western burbs. But the way people drive, there is dramatic bunching of vehicles happening. Get inbetween those bunches, and you can PandG. I have done this with my route selection. This is my perferred method. One way is to time into a right turn onto the a multi-lane road in the middle of green. The cars on the road you turn onto are now stuck at the light, and you can PandG to your hearts content for the next trip segment. Light timing is another way you can pulse and glide. If you know you get caught by one light or another, on average, pulse and glide so you come into the next light when its green, on average. For example, you get get caught at a light, almost all the time, or say you have to make a left turn, and your caught at the light. The timing of the next light then will be synchronised to you leaving the light you got caught at. Keep track of if your comming into that second light when its red or green. Then P and G to reduce the average if its red at the speed limit. People may not like it initially, but fling them past a pile of stopped cars a few times as those red-light racers are stopped as the light goes green - and they will accept it. Timing your trip at the same time, within a few minutes, helps avoid the variations in the synichronizations caused by varying traffic.
donee...thank you very much for the educated response. I am glad that someone from the area can provide good advice. I will definitely take note of the light timing as means to pulse and glide. Also, I have been leaving the house about 10 minutes earlier then usual and that I think puts me ahead of the "mad morning rush" so I have been able to PG here and there. This car has changed my whole perspective on how to get around town. Looking forward to learning and getting the most out of it.
No, not unless you're in a CARB state. IL isn't one of them. The 10 year/150K mile HV battery warranty in CARB states started either in the middle of or the start of the 2nd gen (04 to 09 model year). Toyota Warranty and Coverage
Is there a relatively, flat route you can drive at a cruise control set speed without traffic lights or stops for at least 10 miles? Barton Creek Square Shopping Center - outer road that circles the parking lot, can you drive on the inner lane at 25 mph and not have any stop signs or lights? Mopac Expressway - lanes that avoid any lights or intersections? I35 - again, lanes that avoid stops? Drive the test route once using the cruise control at 65 mph or the posted speed limit. This practice run is to make sure there are no accidents, road work, or traffic conditions and to warm up the car. If you can, drive without the air conditioner by cracking the windows. Then do the following: Turn around and get on the test route. Resume the cruise control speed. Reset a trip meter, either A or B. Drive 10 miles. Record: distance, MPG and average speed. Repeat the test in the opposite direction. Report the values from the two runs. Compare your results to this chart: What this test does is determine how your car performs relative to a new Prius driven off the lot. If your vehicle, driven under cruise control is significantly off, we need to diagnose the problem. If it matches, then we need to look at your typical driving profile. Bob Wilson
I think whatever you do, just be smooth and easy with the car. If you try to do smooth, easy acceleration, with the flow of traffic and smooth deceleration, I think you'll be fine and this will be easy on the car. I believe what is hard on any car is more aggresive speeding up and slowing down. Sometimes and car will tailgate me a little bit, hurrying me up while heading towards a green light, then the light turns yellow and need to stop. That's a waste of energy.
Why out of the question? Donee gave some good advice, you just need to refine it for your route. If you'd like some help with pulse and glide just come to one of our Chicago Prius Group meetings or even the Milwaukee Hybrid Group meetings, both offer lessons from more experienced people for eco-driving. Wayne Who has been getting mid 60's-mid 70's MPG since March.
Sometimes other motorists just have to deal with it. I refuse to race to a red light. Where I live, there's a street which has lights that seem timed in one direction to 15mph. If I go exactly 15mph I hit the corners just as the light turns green. Of course drivers behind me go crazy and honk and then pass me and speed to the red light. And when I glide up behind them and they're still stopped as the light turns green, sometimes I honk at them. Then they race to the next red light, and we start all over again.
If you're in the city proper, then you pulse and glide with the lights. Pulse when the light turns green, glide when coming to the next light or turn or congested area. Otherwise you time it to hills or stop signs. On an open flat road it's based on your current speed, but that's relatively rare. Generally you want to minimize use of the battery. It's there when you need some stronger acceleration, and to maintain a longer glide, but the energy comes from gasoline, and that energy is more efficiently kept as momentum - not being converted to electricity, stored in a battery, and then taken back out again. Definitely don't take forever starting from a dead stop, just to stay in battery mode. In most cases that's counter-productive.
We need some more information to provide help. I'd recommend checking your tire pressure first, but there's probably something else at work as well. A short commute? Kind of between seasons for the A/C and heat, but that also hurts the mileage because the engine can't shut off as often. There's hills in Austin, is that true for your commute?
My best is 40 I have the same problem with hills and short distances. On the flip side i am saving close to 40% compared to my previous car