Have any of you had a problem with the rear valance being too low? I have a very steep driveway and last week hit the approach at a weird angle, the rear corner caught on the drive and popped the panel out on the lower side. I was able to pop it back into place without any damage but this is something to be aware of... I wonder if the Nissan Leaf will have more ground clearance? That will be the new stable mate for the Prius. Nissan Leaf Forum and Owners Group
Yes, I've dragged Pearl's rear a few times, mostly on "curbs" at the entrance to driveways (backing in - going in forwards would have broken off the front chin spoiler). Take it at an angle to increase your clearance. Any "aero efficient" car will have limited ground clearance. If you think the Prius is low, try a 3rd gen RX-7. It's a nightmare to drive!
Some driveways and their entrances are badly-designed and can hit the underside of even normal height cars.
Yes front and rear, the car is to low. My BMW was worse though. I would be willing to sacrifice a little gas mileage for another 1/2" of clearance.
Had my Prius for 2 weeks and this is the only problem. As I come down my steep driveway and turn onto the road, I scape the bottom. Can't really figure out if it is the front or back yet, I've lived her for 27 years and owned many cars, minivans, and SUVs, and this is the only car that has had a problem. I've been taking it real slow at the bottom of the driveway but it is rather disturbing and I haven't a clue as what to do about it or whether I am causing or could cause damage to the car.
I have only had a problem when I back into a parking space with a bumper stop and go too far. Otherwise, I guess I have learned my lesson since my other car is a 2004 Thunderbird which has much less clearance and used to scrape getting into my garage at work.
I don't have a problem in my sloping driveway but I am always scraping the front underside against high parking curbs that you can't see.
low??? try a peugeot 407 , thats low !!! i drove the cab by all the points the peugeot used to hit and nothing ! the car is ok although more ground clearance with more shock absorber travel is always a good thing!