Fast driving and max mpg being attained normally?

Discussion in 'Gen 2 Prius Fuel Economy' started by tomdeimos, Aug 1, 2005.

  1. Under 40 mpg

    0 vote(s)
  2. 40 to 45 mpg

    0 vote(s)
  3. 46 to 48 mpg

    0 vote(s)
  4. 48 to 50 mpg

    0 vote(s)
  5. 50 to 54 mpg

    0 vote(s)
  6. over 55 mpg

    0 vote(s)
  1. tomdeimos

    tomdeimos New Member

    Feb 16, 2004
    Lexington, MA
    To keep the poll consistant lets say speeds are 65 to 70 mph or as close as you
    get to this range.

    Then please add details like:

    1 Typical temperature and AC use and set point

    2 Terrain flat, hilly, mountaneous, etc.

    3 Cruising speed. Not trip avg with slow driving portions.

    4 mpg obtained typically, and best, for non windy conditions and flat terrain or round trip.

    5 distance mpg sustained.

    6 Constant speed or pulse driving? Any other special techniques?

    7 Year and month of Prius, and/or code rev if updated.

    8 Tire pressures used and any tire mods.

    9 Oil used.
  2. silentak1

    silentak1 Since 2005

    Jul 1, 2005
    2010 Prius
    A/C on 90% of the time

    1 Typical temperature: 80-86 degrees (Southern California)

    2 Terrain flat, hilly, mountaneous, etc.: Flat / 10 second climbs at times

    3 Cruising speed. Not trip avg with slow driving portions. : 65-68mph

    4 mpg obtained typically, and best, for non windy conditions and flat terrain or round trip. 48.2mpg

    5 distance mpg sustained. usually a full tank achieves 48.2mpg / 500 miles

    6 Constant speed or pulse driving? Any other special techniques? constant, always cruise control and moderate coasting

    7 Year and month of Prius, and/or code rev if updated. built February '05 / no updated rev.

    8 Tire pressures used and any tire mods. see signature below

    9 Oil used. Amsoil Synthetic XL 5w30 & K&N filter (I was getting 46-47mpg with Toyota oil)
  3. Tideland Prius

    Tideland Prius Moderator of the North
    Staff Member

    Oct 2, 2004
    Other Non-Hybrid
    1 Typical temperature ~20°C

    2 Terrain flat, hilly, mountaneous, etc. flat

    3 Cruising speed. Not trip avg with slow driving portions. 70mph

    4 mpg obtained typically, and best, for non windy conditions and flat terrain or round trip. I got 5.1L/100km (46mpg) showing on the MFD

    5 distance mpg sustained. Didn't go far enough on that trip to empty the tank

    6 Constant speed or pulse driving? Any other special techniques? constant speed with cruise control if the road's dry

    7 Year and month of Prius, and/or code rev if updated.built Sep 04

    8 Tire pressures used and any tire mods. 35/34 for that trip

    9 Oil used. 5W30 non-synthetic
  4. tomdeimos

    tomdeimos New Member

    Feb 16, 2004
    Lexington, MA
    1 Typical temperature 90 F

    2 Terrain flat, hilly, mountaneous, etc. hilly

    3 Cruising speed. Not trip avg with slow driving portions. 65 mph

    4 mpg obtained typically, and best, for non windy conditions and flat terrain or round trip.
    52 typical. 54 best

    5 distance mpg sustained.
    300 plus miles

    6 Constant speed or pulse driving? Any other special techniques?
    constant speed except for coasting and some adj on hill tops either faster or slower
    to max coasting down hill.

    7 Year and month of Prius, and/or code rev if updated.
    Aug build 2005 model year car

    8 Tire pressures used and any tire mods. 40/38 Michelin MXV4+

    9 Oil used. Mobil 1 5W-30
  5. DaveinOlyWA

    DaveinOlyWA 3rd Time was Solariffic!!

    Apr 13, 2004
    South Puget Sound, WA
    2013 Nissan LEAF
    65 mph

    terrain, varies from rolling hills to major changes in elevation. overall elevation changes however are minimal, all averages are for round trips as going north nearly always averages 1-2 mpg less.

    air off 52-55 mpg summer time 50 mpg winter

    air on. depends greatly on outside temps. seems that very hot weather seems to do better as any air seems to make a pretty big hit on the mileage. 49-52 mpg

    tires 42/39, oil standard stuff by Toyota dealership. (not allowed to change oil at my place of residence)

    my build June 2004 have not had any updates on the car. it is as it was from the dealership. (until i start to notice problems with the brake lights, i will not get them fixed since many here report losing mpgs and i like my 60 mpg tanks to much to give them up.)

    my driving on freeway is by cruise control and using CC adjustments to maintain larger than normal following distance so i can have more time to anticipate driving conditions.

    most miles on tank 602.4 @ 59.37 mpg. (dont have much data on any tanks with large mileage except for one tank last year. that tank was 51 mpg @100+º and 70-80 mph... (if you knew I-90 across the Cascades, you would know why the speeds. normally, i never drive that fast) because of the range of tanks on a Prius, even that tank only reflects about 400 miles of freeway on a total tank that was 540 miles. this was also done when my car had less than 2,000 miles on it.
  6. Tadashi

    Tadashi Member

    Feb 25, 2005
    Fort Hood, TX
    2005 Prius
    1 100 deg with A/C on auto set at 78

    2 Hilly

    3 60 mph

    4 57 mpg

    5 35 miles

    6 Constant driving on cruise

    7 Feb 05

    8 40 psi

    9 mobil 1 5w30
  7. kirbinster

    kirbinster Member

    Jun 15, 2005
    Morris County - New Jersey
    Typical temperature and AC use and set point
    85 Degrees A/C set at around 76

    2 Terrain flat, hilly, mountaneous, etc.
    Highways with rolling hills and a few steeper hills

    3 Cruising speed. Not trip avg with slow driving portions.
    Average speed 65, some periods up to 75 or down to 55

    4 mpg obtained typically, and best, for non windy conditions and flat terrain or round trip.
    53-55 mpg average, Did one trip drafting 5 car lengths behind a semi and got 61.8 mpg for 61 miles

    5 distance mpg sustained.
    Typical trip 50-75 miles

    6 Constant speed or pulse driving? Any other special techniques?
    Generally constant speed as well as I can keep it (don't have cruise)

    7 Year and month of Prius, and/or code rev if updated.
    2002 Prius think purchase originally Feb-03 - got her used

    8 Tire pressures used and any tire mods.
    OEM tires 42/40 PSI

    9 Oil used.
    MobileOne 5W-30 synthetic
  8. dstrout

    dstrout New Member

    Apr 17, 2005
    Gaithersburg, MD (suburb of Washington, D.C.)
    1 Typical temperature and AC use and set point: 76 deg auto + recirculate

    2 Terrain flat, hilly, mountaneous, etc. Pa. Mountains

    3 Cruising speed. Not trip avg with slow driving portions. 75 mph

    4 mpg obtained typically, and best, for non windy conditions and flat terrain or round trip. 46.5 for 746 miles round trip

    5 distance mpg sustained. ( not sure what this means)

    6 Constant speed or pulse driving? Any other special techniques? Agressive up the hils (~1/3 throttle or so) cresting at about 75-80, then coast down the back side, addin power as needed to hold 75 mph. No cruise control

    7 Year and month of Prius, and/or code rev if updated. 2005 bought in july. don't know manufacture month or rev.

    8 Tire pressures used and any tire mods. As shipped?

    9 Oil used -- stock

    This was on a brand new car -- she had ~700 miles when the trip started.

  9. LaughingMan

    LaughingMan Active Member

    May 20, 2005
    Marlborough, MA
    1. AC is either off, or set to about 77 degrees to only allow some airflow.

    2. Terrain is usually hilly around here in MA, but I drove down to New York for labor day last month and saw the best mileage I've ever seen at highway speeds. Terrain around New York is flat.

    3. Crusing speed no more than 70 MPH. Set with cruise control.

    4. Typical highway mileage: 50 MPG. Best mileage i saw around 58 MPG coming back to MA from New York City, around Queens and such on flat terrain.

    5. Typical distance mileage is around 50, though I rarely drain the tank only on highway mileage.

    6. Constant speed at highway speeds. I save pulse driving for ~40MPH.

    7. 5/05 Prius, BC Package.

    8. Standard tires. Haven't checked the tire pressure lately.

    9. Synthetic.
  10. Wayne

    Wayne Active Member

    Aug 11, 2005
    Fort Wayne, IN
    I just saw this old poll come up at login, and it fits in with some tests I recently did, so I thought I'd post a response too:

    1 Temp: Low 70's, no AC.

    2 Terrain: Mostly flat.

    3 Cruising speed: See link below, but did both 65 and 70.

    4 MPG obtained: 50@70 MPH, 54.8@ 65MPH (voted 50-54)

    5 Distance mpg sustained: 30 mi round-trip repetitive test loop, data only taken at speed.

    6 Simple cruise-controlled driving.

    7 8/05 Prius, not updated.

    8 Tire pressures used: 42/40, no tire mods.

    9 Factory oil used, filled to the 'full' mark.

    Here's the whole test:
  11. aaf709

    aaf709 Ravenpaw of ThunderClan

    Apr 23, 2005
    San Diego, CA
    2022 Prius Prime
    This is an old poll, but I thought I'd put my results here too.

    1 Typical temperature 70-80 F A/C set to 75

    2 Mostly Flat some hills.

    3 65 mph

    4 53-54 mpg

    5 ~200 miles

    6 Constant speed

    7 2005 (March '05) #6 package

    8 OEM 42/40

    9 Mobil 1 5W-30

    This was done on a trip from San Diego to Carpinteria for their Avocado Festival in the month of October.