Well, I ignored this thread when the stereotypical comments starting coming. (Brad Pitt....gag me.) I imagine what I look for is a lot of what a man looks for, or should. A reliable car that is easy to maintain both mechanically and physically and that is comfortable to drive. While it's too soon to tell I think the car is realiable and since I'm taking it to the dealer it is easy to maintain. Maintenance is minimal and at longer intervals that previous cars. As for the physical maintenance, the upholstery gets high marks but the console/arm rests and glove box plastic and other plastic gets a minus. Those are areas that could be improved upon. I don't have the trouble with the seats that other do but I've read enough to add that the construction of the seats could be improved. As for the comfort of driving the car, the steering wheel is comfortable, I can see over the hood, see out of all of the mirrors and windows and it handles very well. I don't need no stinkin' bag hook. And I don't usually wear makeup. When I do I put it on at home in the bathroom where it belongs. I also don't own a cellphone so I make my calls at home where it belongs. Or maybe I'm Abby Normal.
I would gladly trade in the Depp Package for a more comfortable seat. I hope I get used to it, but I have not had my Prius long, and my lower back aches a bit with it. And I don't have back problems.
I am the one who first suggested the need for "a place to put your purse." In actuality I don't carry a purse, but I use a small cooler the size of a purse and have often wished for a better place to stash it, when someone is sitting in the front passenger seat. I have finally figured out that it will stay put nicely if I put it on the center hump and loop the strap over the open center console, then close the door to keep the strap tightly in place. My kids love having cupholders in the back seat. But they tend to squabble, and from a mommy's point of view a great option would be a soundproof plexiglass wall that could separate the two rear passengers from one another....
Ahh, yes. The old 'cone of silence'. Every car should have it as an option for either kids or elderly parents when you just can't take it anymore. I often struggle to find a good place for my purse when I'm carrying passengers. I bounght the trash bag for the front hump so that's out. Now I'm trying putting it between the door and my left leg. Not my favorite place. I'm still working on it. When I was looking for a car my criteria was: Economical to run, low maintenance costs, reliablity, must hold 4 adults comfortably, have back seats that fold down to hold extra large items I might run across at the antique store or whatever, and be of a height that I don't have to climb into it or be hoisted out (like the corvette) I hit the jackpot with the Prius, I think.
Hmmm how about teargas dispensers? Or Taser electrodes built into the seatback? My favorite: a valve that would pipe the engine exhaust into the rear compartment. I got that one from the movie Thunderbolt and Lightfoot. That scene where Clint Eastwood and Jeff Bridges are hitch hiking and that crazy driver in the hot rod Plymouth Fury picks them up. The crazy driver had some of the exhaust from the Fury piped into the car to keep dizzy. He then started driving all over the ditches and finally rolled the car. Yep, just pipe in enough exhaust to keep the little buggers quiet. Oh wait a minute. This isn't 1974 anymore. Darn unleaded gas, electronic fuel injection, O2 sensors, SULEV ratings ....