Hey folks, after 5 years with the same simple flip phone, I'm about to make the upgrade to a smartphone. I want to stay with Verizon, and based on all the reviews of the HTC Droid Incredible it looks like that is is the phone to get. I was also very glad to read here that it will work with the bluetooth in my Prius, since that is a must-have for any phone that I get. One thing is holding me back -- I keep reading that the Incredible's screen is pretty near impossible to see in direct sunlight. I was wondering, just how bad is it? A major reason for getting a smartphone will be to have access to google maps while I'm out on long bike rides far from home, which means I'll need to be able to see the screen in the sun or else it will be useless. So, what's the word on this? Also I'd appreciate any thoughts on apps that you like, must-have accessories, etc. Thanks!
Sadly, most current TFT LCD screens really suck in the Sun. Sorry I just can't sugercoat it!! It is sad fact of life. I have a Motorola Droid and unless the screen is shaded, I can not see it in direct Sunlight. In fact I have NEVER seen a screen thats worth its salt that works good in direct Sunight. Except OLED... I really wish they would get the ball rolling with OLED (Organic Light Emitting Diode) Screens. Having seen a test unit, it is clearly readable in the Sun and why we do not have it by now, well Cell Industry where the hell is it!!! For that matter the MFD in the Prius is washed out in direct Sunlight! That's why there are hoods!!!
One thing to keep in mind, or you might be kicking yourself... In about a month the new iPhone is going to be released, and a lot of rumor sites are saying they'll be announcing releasing it on Verizon's network at the same time. Could be true, may not be, and you may not even want an iPhone. But if the only reason you didn't consider it was AT&T, it might be worth using that old flip phone for another month until WWDC and Job's Keynote address. Verizon iPhone Ad Campaign in Works? - Mac Rumors
Yes but, can't you just put your hand up to block the sun or hold the phone vertically or turn your body to shade the phone or something like that so the sun is not shining directly on it? Or can you literally not use the screen outside no matter what? Sorry if this seems like a stupid question but people talk about it like it's the end of the world. Thanks
In high ambient light TFT LCD's just don't work that well! They are backlight, and it's just not enough light to make the screen visable in very bright light, like well, outside in the sun!!!
I find that I have no problem seeing my iPhone screen in the car. I would imagine the Droid screen is similar and you wouldn't have a problem either. As to direct sunlight, I can't comment on that but I use my iPhone while walking around on the street and it's easy to read. Best thing to do would go to the Verizon store and ask them if you can demonstrate the ability to view it in sunlight. I'm sure they'd be happy to oblige. As to the rumors of an iPhone on Verizon, that's all they are. RUMORS. Only time you'll see an iPhone on Verizon is when they switch over to GSM from CDMA. That's over a year away. I love Verizon too but I would not buy a CDMA iPhone if it existed since it won't be able to simultaneously handle data and voice unless they have some tricks with their network that I'm unaware of.
So even if I put my hand up to shade it from the sun, or hold the phone vertically so the sun is not shining directly on it, I still won't be able to see it? What's the point if you can't use it outdoors?
You can use it outdoors, it's just gonna be harder to read than indoors... I live in SUNNY SoCal, Very Bright..and that's indeed what I have to do, is walk into a shadow, try to shield the screen, you do what ever it takes to make the screen readable. It's a ROYAL P.I.A., this is true for pretty much ANY phone, uness it's equipped with a much better screen. I.E. OLED or better Thats because your inside a shaded area..I can read the Droid too, but you stick your phone next to the window the sun is streaming in, it's going to be much more difficult to read. Don't kid yourself, Verizon isn't going to switch over to GSM. Apple will just build a Iphone version with a CDMA based XMIT/RCV system. It's just a simple rework of the basic phone, stick in a CDMA XMIT/RCV module instead of a GSM unit. They have petty much milked the ATT market, Verizon is ripe for the sales. Verizon is NOT gong to rebuild its complete infastructue just to have a Iphone... But there will be a Iphone on Verizon
Sprint Evo 4G is coming June 4. Its a killer phone.Like the Incredible with but with broadband speeds. Sprint is a better price than Verizon.
Interesting timing on this one... Confirmation of the Verizon (CDMA) iPhone Manufacturer? - Mac Rumors Looks like a manufacturer has been identified by multiple sources for a CDMA version of the iPhone. i do agree with you that handling both data and voice simultaneously with AT&T definitely beats out Verizon's CDMA network. And Verizon isn't switching to GSM - it would be a huge waste of money. Instead, everyone's moving towards 4G, which works on an entirely new technology stack (well, two stacks, actually...). Verizon and AT&T are moving towards LTE, while Sprint is moving to WiMax. But, seeing as you can't even get 3G everywhere today, something tells me it's going to be a very, very long time before you see LTE capable phones that don't also support CDMA or GSM.
I have an Incredible, on Verizon, but have not had luck pairing it with my Prius 04 bluetooth. Goes through the keyword/pairing process, and the screen reports as if it's pairing, but then the device doesn't appear after its finished.
I take my iTouch when I go for long walks, in order to listen to music or lectures. I can see the screen well enough to pick tracks. But once I saw an unusual bird and tried to look it up on my Audubon Bird Book app, and the screen was too washed out to see the pictures well enough to distinguish. I stood in the shade of a tree and still could not see the pictures well enough to identify the bird.
i hope you got the incredible. i love mine but wish i could figure out how to make it work w/ my car other than w/ bt. the dealer told me i could sync up my music and maintain it on the nav screen the way you can with an ipod or iphone.
If you're not a mac weenie, the HTC is a pretty solid choice. I have an Inspire (AT&T) which I'm very satisfied with. The only thing I don't give the phone high marks for is battery life.....but most of your slate phones are little power piggies. I haven't had many problems with the display in direct sunlight, but I'm an old fart, and so I might not be as persnickety as some of the younger crowd. I mostly use my phone as a.......phone. One thing you might want to consider is that Big Red is going to discontinue the Incredible for the Incredible "S" or maybe some other HTC model. IIRC the CPU is the same, you just get an 8G memory chip preinstalled instead of the 2G that the older phone has. Other features and capabilities are about the same. I think they also added a front facing camera.....if you're into that. Not "my" network, so YMMV. Good Luck!