Tried searching, couldn't find anything. I was looking at the PC Store and saw the Nav Sun Shield and seems like a good product to use since the screen becomes downright unreadable on extremely sunny days here in LA. However, does the shield easily snap in and off? I'd only want to use it on extremely sunny days and would want it off at night. Or is it more of a permanent, semi-permanent solution? Thanks!
I think there's another thread on this a few days old, but it is not hard to take it on and off AFTER you have filed down the side tabs. As they come they were too fat for the gaps in my car and when you put it in some of the tabs (like maybe the FM button or the ff) get stuck in the in position. It is all right but it is not a great design. It leaves a gap in several places which let direct sunlight in to glare on the screen. I had to put a little felt tape (cut off an adhesive backed felt sheet from walmart which cost a few cents) around to cut off the sun. It works fine but it is not harmful to leave it on at night as the screen is backlit so it shows up with it there. The only time you have to remove it is if you are going to insert or remove CD's. When the screen tilts all bets are off!
If you cut down a "Sticky Pad" to fit across the top of this shield, it becomes the ideal place to stash the Cell Phone.