Whenever I see another Prius on a road I get a warm feeling in my heart and I feel like I want to jump out of my car and hug the other owner sooo soo hard, as if they were a big green tree. Is this normal? Should I seek a professional help?
Nah, that's normal. But watch for traffic when doing so. Other un-educated old-school last century drivers don't get it...but they will soon. Can you say $4-5 gasoline?
It's perfectly normal and natural, and should be practiced freely. I can meet you in the North End next Saturday.
I had the same feeling too until I saw that the other driver was a really ugly, fat, slobby guy of about 60. Now I'm thinking of selling my Prius. (Just kidding -- about the selling that is.)
LOL!! :lol: Same feeling here. I always tried to take a look at other Prius drivers on the road. Often end up seeing what you described :roll:
richard schumacher: are you "really ugly, fat, slobby guy of about 60"? Think of it this way the "really ugly, fat, slobby guy of about 60" is at least ahead of the rest of "really ugly, fat, slobby guys of about 60", just because he is driving a Prius
I gotta start driving around Boston. Hey, I should have looked you up when I was out there. Not really Boston, but Canton.
Yesterday I exchanged my first hearty wave on the road with another Prius owner (I only picked up the car Friday night). I'm looking forward to more cheery exchanges with other Prius people. My husband has vintage Volkswagens and gets waved at/honked at/chatted with in parking lots all the time.
I met up with a coworker and her husband today. In ten years the man has never said two words to me but today he rushed over to my car and started raving over it and asking questions about it. He also said that he usually only sees "cool well-dressed rich people like lawyers" driving Prius. I think he meant it as a compliment (unless he was taking a dig at me in my geeky birdwatching outfit.)