Let me tell you! today was actualy my first day,so my first customer a beautifullll blond girll russian i think got in my cab,that alone made my day, i told her she was the first paying customer in my new cab and she said that she is somewhat of a good luck conductor. Boy let me tell you just having that beaut get in my cab was good luck enought for me!!and come to think of it i did have some nice looking people come in the taxi today! Her fair was 4.80 so when she payed me i told her i am not going to ever spend that 5 euro bill she craked a smile full of good vibration! So far whoever got in the cab rand i used to brace my selfealy liked it ! #1 pro was that i only needed 12 euro to gas up 185klm !!! i didnt realy work that much today saturdays are kind of slow ! sundays are better!With the other car the peugeot 407 i needed 12 euro to 100klm. #2 pro was that i got out the car today and i didnt feel that buzzzzzing going on in my head after a days work in the diesel factory!!!!!!!!!!! when i was working as a electrician in new york local#3 ibew as a journey man i had to do some time at a sewage treatment plant off of harlem the sh_t factory as we called it,it vibrated just like the diesel 407 peugeot... just to give you an idear of how happy i am to be out of that disaster of a car!!! #3 and without [ame="http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&ei=zqXlS6HeE8S_-QbSvrjpAw&sa=X&oi=spell&resnum=0&ct=result&cd=1&ved=0CB8QBSgA&q=exaggerating&spell=1"]exaggerating[/ame] because the 407 had its tires pushed out an all 4 corners the car felt like a log on wheels,every litle bump or dip on the road made me feel like i was tortured shaken stired mixed you call it!i used to come up on certain parts of the road that i knew where of bad quality and i used to brace my self! GUESS WHAT TODAY I BRACED MY SELF COMING UP ON ONE OF THOSE SPOTS AND I DIDNT FEEL A THING!!!!!! that 407 needed engine mounts and all linkage parts changed more than often..! the prius feels like a normal car without extravagant alterations made on its cariage so that it can feel like a sports sedan! i rode the car today and i just know i wont be having all those problems any more!!! at one point i even looked up at the roof of the car and said i love this car!!! list of my previus cars delta 88 oldsmobile. buik regal 2 door. 1984 ford bronco my favorite of all. 199something ford bronco with a lift 33 inch tires. chevrolet Corsica what a crazy engine that was no handling'. dodge intrepid. 1991 mercedes benz 200E which we still have family car (this in greece). hyundai santa fe which i still have (this also in greece). the dreaded peugeot 407 which i still have (in greece) my worst decision of my life 25000 euro down the drain!!! and now the prius god let it be a better choice!!! all that tallk about fish and chips opened up my apetite! got to have the chips by the bay any bay porchester bay, oyster bay, pireas bay mmmmmmmmm !!! the best fish and chips though are in astoria queens NY under the L on the last stop of the N train Ditmars blvd. its a fish store at one end and fish and chips at the other end mmmmmmmmm m good stuff! and a couple o stores away the bakery makes this square pizza mmmmmm m!!! never mind i am on a diet hahahahaa
i worked it today it seems that it keeps me away from truble its so relaxing to drive compared to a diesel engine!!!!
when i whent to milan a couple o years back to se the game milan-aek of athens play for the CL i noticed all if not most of the cabs where mid small size sedans i comend them because they seem to have caught the drift . driving a taxi isnt a rasing deal its a keep a llow running cost tipe a deal.. i can still race to the next fair and not do it like mario andreti!!! bravo to the italian cabbys!!
Here it has always been that bigger is better (bigger for European tastes) and the Skoda Superb is popular as a taxi. In the past the Vauxhall/Opel Omega V6 [ame=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vauxhall_Omega]Opel Omega - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia[/ame] and Peugeot 607 [ame=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peugeot_607]Peugeot 607 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia[/ame] were popular choices, but I dread to think what they'd cost to run these days. I'm not sure if its the cost of fuel, the recession or our political problems here or all three, but I have noticed that drivers in town have downsized when replacing their cars. I saw the first VW Jetta as a cab in town the other day when previously they'd have gone for a Passat. Still waiting for another Prius to join me though.
Actually toyota should think about yellow...it looks so so nice!!! I feel so happy that I see so many prius on the greek streets and so many 2010. Watch that your passengers do not block the battery ventilation inlet P.S.(in greek) Kalotaxido me pola pola kerdh!!!
thanks man!!!!! i saw one in my dreams and it was metalic yellow!!! i whould have painted it that but it whould have being a litle over the top hahahahaaaaaaa but i can just picture it metalic yellow !
hello! welcome ... how's your mileage? or put another way (forgive me, I only had one semester) : yasu ... or γειά σου πώς είναι η απόσταση σε μίλια αερίου σας ?
I bet you are glad you have a Prius during the strikes eh? You might be one of the only cars on the road pretty soon!
I guess you've seen the news reports? There's been a truck drivers strike and most petrol stations are sold out. The ones that do have fuel have large queues (whats the American for queue?) and fights are breaking out regularly. The military have now been drafted in and hopefully things don't get out of hand.
It hasn't made any American news channels as far as I know. It doesnt involve the US in any way, therefore it doesnt exist apparently. We subscribe to Canadian sat. tv which has reported it along with the BBC though. Sad what is going on. I had not heard of the military being drafted in, is that a new developement? And the American for "queue" is "line", but I say queue.
Going off subject for a second, there's an American Airbase near me and coming upto a roundabout on a long, busy, fast road is a sign saying "Warning, Queues Ahead". As I drove an American guy from the base past this sign he asked me what a queue was. Just wondered what the American equivalent is "Warning line ups ahead"?
Only problem is, he'll still need to fill up, eventually and thus be stuck in the same mess (?) as everyone else. At least, he'll be able to maximize his useful of the precious resource. Hopefully he can bring a couple cans to stock up, if it's allowed.
People generally just say "line". "There is always a long line at the movie theatre's concessions stand". So, "Warning, Lines Ahead".