Bank of America (sorry if posted before) is this what we're coming to?. Bank of America, can I help you? Customer: Yes, I want to cancel my account. I don't want to do business with you any longer. The Bank: Why? Customer: You're giving credit to illegal immigrants and I don't think it's right. I'm taking my business elsewhere. The Bank: Well, Mr. Customer, we don't want to see you do that, but we can't stop you. I'll help you close the account. What is your account number? Customer: (gives account number) The Bank: For security purposes and for your protection, can you please give me the last four digits of your social security number? Customer: No? The Bank: Mr. Customer, I need to verify your information, but in order to help you, I'll need verification of who you are.. Customer: Why should I give you my social security number? The reason I'm closing my account is that your bank is issuing credit cards to illegal immigrants who don't have social security numbers. You are targeting that audience and want their business. Let's say I'm an illegal immigrant and you've given me a credit card. I have a question about it and call for assistance. You wouldn't be asking me for a Social Security number, would you? The Bank: No sir, I wouldn't. Customer: Why not? The Bank: Because you would have pressed '2' to speak in Spanish. We don't ask for that information when calling in on the Spanish line. Bank of American offering credit cards to Illegal aliens-Truth!
they are the worst. a while ago, they tried to institute a $2. charge if you went to a teller instead of the atm. my loan officer used to work for them. he said every morning when you go in, you have to do a company cheer like wall martz, and they do team building exercises with name tags and role playing.:cheer2:
I do business with them only because the basic employer-related deal offered when I moved here survives, even though the original bank vanished 4 mergers ago, and the original job is long gone too. BoA is not the worst. The second bank in the acquisition chain was much worse, causing me to pull all business except the checking & savings account and ATM card. On occasion, I have considered moving to local banks. But all the ones ever considered have since vanished, some into voluntary acquisitions, some taken over by the FDIC. As for credit to illegal aliens -- I don't think it is the business of retailers to be reviewing my citizenship papers. Whether that federally required number I give them is a social security number or taxpayer ID number is really not relevant to them.
Hell no. I don't do business with big banks, and the fact BofA was forced to take TARP funds from both Dubya and Obama seals their fate with me.
Same here, I bank at a small community bank. They never took TARP funds, issue a free Visa debit card (no usage charges), and have been in business for many many years.
Opening post aside, everybody knows "B of A" stands for "Bunch of"... well, you can use your imagination as to what the "A" stands for.
I once had a checking account with BofA. I opened it because they offered $75 bonus if you were a new customer that opened a checking account with them. So I opened the account - made sure I got a no-fee, no minimum account and got the seventy five bucks. About three months in they eliminated the checking account type I had signed up for. I would have to either start direct deposit or maintain some large minimum balance to avoid fees each month. So I went in and closed the account. I expected to get the "What are your reasons for closing this account" and hard-sell for other account types routine but no. Just a cheerful "here you go!" and that was the end of it. So endth my association with BofA.