i know i know... some of you are 60+mpg types but my life and job (community organizer covering an area of 12 square miles in phoenix with a 1 mile drive to the office) don't allow for those 30 minute strolls at 35mph... but for me, getting to 50 is an accomplishment. been driving the car since mid january and it already had nearly 80k on it, was hovering around 48mpg until I took it to the local tire place that does free air checks... that said, I'm happy and hoping to get up towards 55
Came from a 5.0L V8 and a 3.2L V6, my 1st and 2nd car, I just never been happy in my life to experience that about a month ago, it simply a great feeling.
That's excellent especially given your driving profile. If you can try to combine thosoe short commutes when ever you can
Turns out 50 mpg wasn't a big deal and now my car is flirting with 55... I don't know if the tires were brand new when I bought the car or what but suddenly my fuel economy is steadily climbing. I don't think I have adjusted my driving style, and haven't messed with the tire pressure since I got it up to the max sidewall (35) but it seems to be creeping up consistently now.
I've got all four (Pirelli Cinturato p3000, what was on it at the dealer) at 35, the people at discount tire said that was the max for my tires...
Congratulations to you, mikeysaid ... on your recent accomplishment ... I still recall with some "pride" and "satisfaction" the first time we averaged 50 mpg for an entire tank; quite the moment! Some added thoughts ... You've been driving it since January, you say. One factor that hasn't come up yet in this thread is air temp. The days tend to get warmer heading from mid-Jan to mid-Mar where you live too, don't they? My guess is that much of the improvement you've noticed is nothing more than the warmer temps. That's rather likely to continue until you feel the urge / need to compensate for the EXCESSIVE heat by using the A/C. In "Mithril's" case: from roughly mid-Jan -- most days well below freezing! -- to mid-Mar -- most days in the 50's or 60's -- this year, his mileage has improved from the upper 30's / low 40's to the low 50's ... even eked out a somewhat lengthier, cross-town trip at about 57 mpg -- according to the MFD -- the other day!
Good to hear. You are an inspiration. My in-town trips are necessarily short, so I've never gotten 50 on an all-city tank. I'm close this time, though. It's currently over 48.
congrats, it is hard to get those numbers with short commutes. but, it is possible and you are proving that.
That's because they WEAR quicker that way ... and your tire company gets more business that way. Sure, the ride is more cushy down in the mid 30's ... but MANY high mileage folks run 'em a dozen lbs higher. Not that I'm saying you should (wink wink ) but tire manufactures build a fairly large margin of safety in tire pressures. I'll say this too. Our Michelin Hydroedges have over 90K miles on 'em. They're just now getting to the point that one could say they're showing signs of wear. On the OTHER hand, our original Good Year Integrity's looked SHOT after less than 12K miles, running them in the mid 30's. Thanks for that, Good Year. .
I purchased a 2008 Prius with 22,000 miles about a month ago. I also do mostly short commutes (5- 10 miles at a time). So far I am averaging around 45 miles and can't wait to reach 50. I will say that I love driving the Prius and am very happy with 45 when my previous car was around 20 in the city. So 50 or above will be just an added bonus.
What a revelation for me. After 4 1/2 years with my 2005, I just discovered how much my MPG has increased since I discovered turning off the AC. I am over 50 for the first time. And I know that I read about the AC when I first bought the car. I guess that I am a slow learner.
I have a 2010 with 13,000 miles on it now and yesterday the wife and I took our customary Saturday jaunt ride and ending up putting on 306 miles. Before we left I topped off with my gas that I have in my garage for the many things I use gas for. (Tractor, rotor tiller, gas powered blower, chain saw, snow blower, etc I try to keep the gas fresh in my 3 five gallon cans, 1 two gallon, and 2 one gallon cans, so I use the gas in my cars if it sits for more than a month. (always use Stabil) Anyway, I topped off, and I mean topped off. We drove over 300 hundred miles with half of it straight into a headwind of 25 to 30 mph. The computer said it got 48.3 miles per gallon on the front leg of it. On the way back with the wind mostly at our back or side, the computer said we got 55.1 miles a gallon, but I then filled up at a gas station and I had to squeeze in 4 gallons of gas. Now, I know I didn't get that good of mileage, and it must have been from topping off at home that did it, but I regularly get 53 mpg and am very disappointed when I get less than 50. Also, I do notice that I drive differently in the Prius than I do in my Honda Pilot, as I usually am doing 71 in the Pilot and I 'play' the peddle in the Prius and go the speed limit , and when on back county roads with no other cars around, will sometimes do 45 instead of 55, and use the hills to my advantage. (I love the rolling farm lands and hills of Wisconsin) This IS the most fun car I have EVER owned by far.
50 mpg (US) is good. The best I've ever done (in 2 years) is a 49.0 US mpg tank (4.8 L/100km). My overall average over the 2 years of ownership is 38 US mpg. But 90% of my trips are 10 miles or less. :-(
1st tank over 50mpg last week using Bridgstone Ecopia's. Have them on both my 07 & 09 Touring Prii's. Was on Rt 81 thru PA, Md. & VA going 75mph+ Tank read 54mpg for 1,500 mile trip down and back. WOW! Finally. Running 42lbf & 40lbr
Nick - how have you liked your Ecopia's at higher psi? I'm only about to make the change, as I wanted to get a feel for them before I pumped them up.
And now me too! I just completed my first all city 50+ mpg tank. This is significant because my city trips tend to be on the short side. I can usually get 50+ mpg on the highway with good weather. Actually, it's less than 3 miles to work and rarely do I drive more than 5-6 miles at a time (one way). I do try to chain errands so that I have something like 4 miles here, 3 miles there, 1 mile to next stop, 5 miles to get home, etc. A 15+ mile drive would be an out-of-town trip, which means a highway drive. According to the MFD, this tank was 50.9 MPG with 323 miles. My previous best all city tank was 47.7 MPG from March.