Does anyone else think the clear glass quarter panels should come stock tinted ? I am used to seeing them dark as my car is tinted vampire style but they look out of place being clear. If thy made the stock te same tint as SUVs and vans it would look much better. There's a few people who have tinted theirs dark and it looks much better being smoked. Just a pet peeve of mine. I really dont like tem period but the clear glass just looks bad.
They already come stock tinted in the glass, 74%. No way to go lower without violating the various state laws. Besides, I think they'd look out of place with a 20% tint if the rest of the car is ~75% stock.
SUVs and vans have gotten away with many exemptions from passenger car safety regulations, and this is one of them. At least in my state. In this case, the safety is that of the police officers making traffic stops. And with all the cop killings we have experienced in the past six months, this is not going to change anytime soon.
I've had paper with informative graphics taped into my rear ones now for ... sheez, years, and nobody's said boo about it. Those windows are 99% useless for visibility anyhow, even the passenger side one. You do way better by making sure your side mirrors are set correctly. _H*
I'm not talking about the full on windows just the little ones on the front and back. There's nothing to hide behind a small 6" window.
Not necessarily true. The Prius A-pillar blind spots would be much worse if they were blocked. They can't make them much darker than stock without running foul of a number of states' tint law anyway.