This week is a very special multi-part episode recorded in Torrance, CA. Hosts Danny Cooper and Russell Frost are joined by Tony Schaefer and Evan Fusco as well as Rick Johnson who participates on the Prius Expert Panel (along with Danny, Russell, Tony and Evan). They all get to drive the prototype Prius plug-in hybrid and discuss their thoughts on the vehicle and much more. We also interview Doug Coleman and Erica Gartsbeyn of Toyota Motor Sales, USA. It's a big episode so don't be afraid to dig in start listening. Download the "enhanced version" so that you can listen to it by chapter. Hosts: Russell Frost and Danny Cooper Panelists: Evan Fusco, Tony Schaefer and Rick Johnson Special Guests: Erica Gartsbeyn and Doug Coleman of Toyota Episode #: 15 Time: 1:42:07 Subscribe to the Podcast in iTunes Subscribe to What Drives Us - Enhanced Edition with your favorite podcatcher Subscribe to What Drives Us - MP3 with your favorite podcatcher Direct MP3 Download Leave us a voicemail with your question or topic and we'll try to get you on the air. Just call (575) 51-DRIVE. Become a "Fan" of What Drives Us on Facebook - or check out our new website with all of the previous episodes at
Sounds like our "unairable" session from the very first night didn't make it on except for the "preview". This was alot of fun to do, especially from a Toyota conference room.
Perhaps the best line, concerning the great american vehicle power myth: from Tony, on the crap we've had marketed at us for years... . _H*
well, I said that I don't know how you're married. Evan's the one who seeks an opportunity to say "testicles" into a microphone.
I like extended parts, especially section Please invite Doug and Erica more often as guests!
My favorite quote from the episode: Doug Coleman: "The fundamental thing to accepting social media from a corporate point of view is realizing, at a certain point, that you no longer control the brand. I believe Toyota doesn't control the Prius brand, I believe the owners control the brand. And once that mental transition happens it becomes natural that social media becomes embraced by the company."
+1 Evan - I was rather floored that such a conservative company had come to that type of epiphany. To be sitting in the same room when he said that with a straight and honest face was priceless in a very good way. Believe it or not, only the "bloopers" and side chatter were edited out - the rest as far as I could tell was pretty much verbatim. Despite the length, it's too bad we couldn't use the "first night" attempt beyond the teaser reel - then again, it'll be more relevant at a later point in time if the background noise didn't kill it all-together
Context - this is one of the hats from the 3rd Generation Prius Harmony commercials (think apple in the tree) - we (Prius Experts) were all supposed to bring them (or so I thought) for a group photo, but I was the only one who had room in the luggage. Half the group ended up "trying on the hat" (we each got different ones) and it made for great entertainment. As we were recording the pod-cast, a member of the hotel staff asked what the hat was about as I was the only one wearing it. A group of 9 sitting around the table with microphones, one wearing a silly hat. She kinda guessed we were rehearsing for something... Thanks for the pic Linda. I'm refraining from sharing the video of Danny wearing the hat doing a really embarrassing dance!
Just want to let you guys know I've found a use for the CD player. I've burned the first fifteen episodes of What Drives Us onto a disc, so now we have 15+ hours of in-car entertainment. No iPod or USB required!