Car reportedly flipped several times. As the articles state, driver was injured but is generally OK considering. Lots of orange in the trunk.. was it a hybrid? Motorist hit by train hospitalized | Philadelphia Inquirer | 05/07/2010 Woman Survives Train Crash | NBC Philadelphia
Those aren't Prius wheels. The "orange" looks like luggage straps, to me. Glad she's going to be okay.
"mangeled" ??! Wth happened to anything we could call "competent journalism" ... . Definitely not a hybrid. Impressive lack of doors, though. . _H*
A Toyota but not a Prius as has been said already. Look at the dash in the second video, the instruments are behind the steering wheel.
Wow, it's pretty impressive that she's going to be ok. Where's the unintended acceleration when you need it?
Hopefully PennDOT/SEPTA will check out the gates. I doubt they will find that the gates dropped too soon. If this is ruled to be the driver's error her license should be pulled.
JimN... So long as the gates meet a certain minimum warning time, they can't be dropped too early, IMO. If they drop around you and a trains coming... drive through them! Also, a vast majority of the gates i've seen don't cross the entire width of the road - typically, they cover slightly more than halfway, leaving plenty of room to go around one if you're "caught" in the middle.
If the car survived, the train wasn't really trying... (Note that in the cow video, the train doesn't lose any speed at all) Never, EVER, stop on the tracks.