Here is a link to info about the special CNBC to Premiere Total Recall - The Toyota Story - News on News
I just saw an ad on CNBC for it. More info at Reminder: 1st airing on May 13th. My TiVo's set. We probably should move this thread to "Other cars".
Reminder, first airing is tonight. But, it'll be rerun a few more times in the next two weeks. It's about Toyota, NOT the Paul Verhoeven movie starring the Governator.
Prius, Prius everywhere. I've seen them a 1/2 dozen times so far, the Lexus accident seems to be the big thing. It won't be a favorable show, given the title.
Well I think it was definitely a negatively slanted piece, but it was interesting to learn more about the history of the company and how Piggly Wiggly inspired their manufacturing techniques when they visited the USA. The main accidents were the Lexus and one other vehicle they could not talk about due to ongoing litigation. Interesting that they avoided talking about the most recent "incidents" with the Prius which were disproven and the Lexus potential rollover issue, but perhaps these were too recent to be included in the story, but I think that could have been intentional. I don't recall if they specificially discussed the "floating" issue with the 2010 Prius, but that would have been a good segment to have in the Total Recall idea. Max
I knew about them being a loom company to start but not Piggly Wiggly being an inspiration for them. It was a decent piece but yeah, it was semi-negative overall. I did appreciate the images of Japan and of the assembly lines, including 2010 Priuses on the line. I have visited the Tsutsumi plant and have seen Toyota's HQ and the tall R & D building but, from another angle. Around many of the auto plants I've visited, it is a little odd (but expected) to see lots of car carrier trucks. I remember at one or more plants, there lots of trucks constantly unloading parts. I do wish the piece was more balanced in stating that other auto makers also receive SUA reports and plenty of other safety complaints.
It's only 4:35 pm here. Per, next air times are: Saturday, May 15th 7p ET Sunday, May 16th 10p ET Wednesday, June 2nd 10p ET Check your local listings for the correct time.
I just saw the CNBC rerun. It wasn't very well balanced and presented the perspective of the tort lawyers who are staged to profit from lawsuits against Toyota.