Again, this is probably no big deal for many of you, but I saw my first Accord Hybrid in the 'wild' today. Here in SW MO you just don't see a lot of anything other than P/U trucks and SUVs, so the hybrids are still looked at as oddities. I'm yet to notice a 400h or a HiHy in the wild yet around here. But the Prius has become pretty common place with the odd Civic Hybrid or Insight popping up once or twice per month.
I've yet to see an Accord Hybrid, I've seen a few Escape Hybrids and lots of Classics and some Insights. Some G2's and most of them are Taxi's Hybrids are still a very small niche market car here. I see more "Smart for two" than hybrids.
I've seen my first Accord Hybrid in the wild yesterday. Actually, it was two. Both were parked at the side at Canadian customs on the Canadian side of the border. Both were silver. I've seen 3 RX400hs and one black HiHY.
I rode in one for 2 days a couple of months ago. It is all leather, burled wood-plastic, quiet and smooth. About 36mpg combined. The ICE MG work opposite the Prius (MG from a stop and then ICE at 40+mph cruise).
I saw one on the 10 freeway in LA yesterday. I like the looks of them, and the fact that they have a powerful engine. My dad likes them, but I think if he gets a Hybrid it will be another Prius.
I test drove one 2 months go for about 45 minutes. I loved how it drove. The crappy audio system was the deal breaker, though. Why do hybrids have such muddy sounding audio systems?
It's not just hybrids. It seems to be pretty much ALL OEM premium sound systems have been 'pre-tuned' for the stock speakers, which means messed up equalizer settings burned/programmed into the amps or heads. You can tell they're aftermarket unfriendly by the custom dash-fitted OEM head-units that looks so good now. So pay once for premium sound, pay again to rip it out and put something else better in.
^^^ not quite. The sound system in my old 1989 Legend coupe was great, although I did get an aftermarket Kenwood Minidisc deck later on. The sound system in my Lexus is awesome sounding....with 2 less speakers than my Prius!
Don't get too optimistic. The Mark Levinson in the new GS430 didn't sound too hot. The Nakamichi systems in the older Lexus cars sounded better, IMO. I love the car, though!
I loooove my Prius, but the Accord is a special treat to drive--even though I don't know what all the buttons do yet. :roll: