I noticed that I left my lights on briefly and there was no warning chime? Is there an option for this feature? Bob
I know mine does a continuous beep/tone if I open the drivers door if I have left the lights on but thats it.
My car doesn't seem to chime for leaving lights on either. I've done this a couple times now but notice later that the lights must be turned off after a certain period of time so it's really no big deal to me. Since this is an accidental condition I can't honestly say i'll check next time I do it but if I notice I'll report back.
Yes, the lights turn off automatically on my car too. I'm pretty certain that that is why you don't get the warning now. I got the warning on my 2007 and its lights did not turn off automatically.
If the lights being on while the Prius is off bothers you, it is one of the dealer adjustable settings on the 2010, they can change it from 30 seconds to 0 seconds after you open a front door.
Doesn't bother me on the Prius. But I'm in a Rav 4 loaner for a day while the dealer does the Northwest Protection Package on the car that needs some dry time with the undercoating. Anyway, I prefer not to drive with lights on in broad daylight but this car doesn't seem to have any means to turn them off when not needed. Of course I find it remarkable that studies seem to be showing that lights avoiding collisions even during daylight. I suppose I should be thinking more of the other driver that might hit me unless I have my lights on?
The delay is basically the "follow-me-home" function that you find in other cars with AUTO-OFF or Automatic Headlights. They allow you to walk away with some illumination (e.g. to your front door if your car is parked on the driveway).
Both my Prius and my Subaru before it, I turned on the headlights at the dealer when I picked up the car and never turned them off. I want to be seen by other traffic. Particularly when the other traffic looked like this: (about 1 minute in it passes a semi rig)
Mine is chiming when the driver's door is open - the beep is continuous. If the driver's door is closed and another one open there is NO beep, NO warning. If I close the car, the lights stay on and there is NO warning. Now, it could be not the sam : we have HUD display and not in the States, the external rear view mirrors aren't electrical in Europe and yours yes.