i just got my cab today! i could not figure out if it was running or not! hahaha it's like butter!!! i whent and instaled the taxi meter today and top light,tomorow's turn is the DMV and after that straight on to the road,to make a buck as they say in the states but in greece ! :rockon:
Thanks fellas i apreciate!!! But i'll tell you guys one thing that the owner of the electrical shop said to me,in the past 2 weeks his shop instaled taxi meters in 3 more priuses not including my cab! and it just so happened that one of them came in whille my cab was being worked on! total greek old school cabby i didnt expect it he caught me by surprise! over here in greece taxis are predomenantly skoda octavias the small 1.8 the biger 2.0 arent recomended as they have problems with the steering lincage colum and engine,somebody my age is considered a risk taker expiramenter and what ealse you could imagine i was called for buying this car! so what i am trying to say when i saw the older fella roling in with the 2010 i had a instant smille on my face,and thought to my sellf if the old timer is doing it why shouldnt i !
Love that colour on a Prius, sets it off I think. You will have a lot of profitable miles ahead of you, and so will the other Prius taxi owners. Cheers.
Lol all taxis here in cyprus are old mercedes models. Tne taxi driver that took me from the toyota dealer to my home was intrested in the new prius. So yeah I wait for the day to see a prius taxi rolling the streets
Like here in Portugal, there is a vast majority of Mercedes taxi, old and new. Legally, the taxi activity companies can make a discount in taxes using diesel for service, which is very unfair, and that's why Priuses cabs are rare here. But, even with this heavy weight (€), I still don't see why keeping diesel in town against an hybrid option. And clutches, and gearboxes, brake pads and so on. Its all about the lack of knowledge.
So Mr Socrates, how's it going as a taxi? What's the reaction of your customers and fellow drivers? Can you think of any immediate pro's & con's to the Prius compared to your last car?
I was in Italy for a couple of days this week, and saw a lot of gen3 prii taxis. I guess the reduced co2 rating (and therefore tax) and the lower fuel requirements are finally adding up to make the prius worthwhile all across europe.
Which is strange that it's taken so long for hybrids to gain ground here. Maybe people just thought a diesel is the same for fuel economy but they're soo wrong. Went to the coast with the gf yesterday for some fish n chips (yeah I know how to treat her! lol) - 140 mile round trip. It was all A roads and I don't hang about and still managed an average of 59 mpg. So all that for £15. And diesels come into their own in town so the fuel savings as a cab are worthwhile. I am still the only hybrid cab in my town of 400 taxis but I know a lot a looking with interest and I get asked questions all the time. I really think they don't believe the fuel economythough.
140 miles for fish and chips or a one and one as us old Dubs [Dubliners]say...classy..your GF obviously knows she's on to a good thing with yourself!!....lol..i hope you got them wrapped in old newspaper!!
Ah, she knows she's onto a good thing! lol It was a cold afternoon and we were talking about what to do for the evening and both fancied fish n chips. Well, where better to have fish n chips than at the seaside, so we had to decide on Scarborough, Bridlington or Whitby and decided that Scarborough was classy enough for a classy evening! Was bl**dy cold and windy though, but the east coast of England wouldn't be the same without a gusty north easterly. And what about the fish n chips I hear you ask? Well they were actually spot on. I had mine with curry sauce - mmmm
I guess you would have seen a few. The regions of Italy are subsidizing hybrids and alternative fuels taxis with up to 3000 euro. Out of the 5600 Taxis at Milan more than 2000 are Prius 2 and 3. 102 are Honda Insights. Many other taxis run on methanol or natural gas. My very first trip in a Prius was in a taxi, later only I went to a dealer to do a test drive. Still can't understand why the taxista refused to let me have a go at the wheel, I am a good driver...