Don't forget I wrote about you guys last week, too. Article -Is it possible to get 100mpg in a Prius? I hadn't thought to mention PriusChat, though. Sorry! Anyway, good luck with the attempt!
Hey Dan- It would be great but I was in Boston all week for a building science conference and need to be home now. I am honored by the invite though. My question for you is, are you guys going to use neutral or feathering for this attempt?
Sorry you can't make it Ray. it didn't hurt to ask. We have decided against using neutral because one could question the safety and legality of doing so. Feathering is so natural to me that I do it without even realizing that I am doing it. Even on my Subaru Outback. Expect lots of feathering and lots of stiff ankles by Sunday.
Another article on the drive this weekend. Way to go guys! Good luck and have fun. I hope you are bringing lots of CD's.
Yes, lots of CD's from the 70's and 80's. We also have XM Satellite Radio. I prefer Seventies on Seven. Rick prefers "The Loft". I just might sample "The Loft" also. Dan
Hooray for XM - are they doing a Live8 city broadcast this weekend, you could check in on that for awhile too. -m.
Ya know Dan- I've always wanted to have a competition that combines speed and economy. Each driver gets two gallons of gas and the first one to 100 miles without running out wins. It would be worse than watching bowling but fun for the participants. The drafting issue would probably ruin it though as it would come down to the last mile, similar to Nascar. If I hadn't been gone all week, I would be there tomorrow.
A quick update before I go to bed. I finished the first shift at 11PM. 120+ miles, 104.7 MPG. Dave is driving now. Good luck to him. The atmosphere before the start became a media circus. First HBO, then Fox news then NBC, then CBS. It was very frustrating, paople lining up to talk to you. Luckily Dave, Wayne and Rick stepped up to the plate and handled the media for me. We filled up at a BP station with 3 film crews shooting. Then the owner called the police. A very nice officer ordered the cameras off the premisis. I slipped out shortly thereafter. What a pain in the ^T&*(_()( Dan
Data so far: Shift 1 (Dan K): Overall FE for 4 RT Segments: 44.52 Km/L or 104.7 mpg E/T: 04:03 Distance Traveled: 200.38 Km or 124.23 Avg. FE with Engine On: 12.41 Km/L Percent Time ICE On: 28% Fuel Consumed: 4.501 L # of Stop Lights hit during 4 RT segments: 21 # of Stop Signs hit during 4 RT Segments: 12 # of Slow downs below 20 mph without a complete Stop during the 4 RT Segments: 13 Shift 2 (Dave B): Overall FE for 4 RT Segments: 42.75 Km/L or 100.6 mpg E/T: 3:57 Distance Traveled: 201.54 Km Avg. FE with Engine On: 12.07 Km/L Percent Time ICE On: 28 Fuel Consumed: L 4.714 # of Stops during 4 RT segments: 16 # of Slow downs below 20 mph without a complete Stop during the 4 RT Segments: 10 So far we are at 102.6 MPG. Wayne G. is currently driving. Rick R. is on deck for 7AM. So far so good! Dan
Shift 3 was driven by Wayne G. Overall FE for 4 RT Segments: 43.77 Km/L or 102.9 mpg E/T: 3:50 Distance Traveled: 201.02 Km Avg. FE with Engine On: 13.91 Km/L Percent Time ICE On: 32 Fuel Consumed: 4.593 L # of Stops during 4 RT segments: 10 # of Slow downs below 20 mph without a complete Stop during the 4 RT Segments: 11 Cumulative FE after 3 drivers and 12 RT segments: 102.7 mpg Pictures are attached. Sorry for the quality. We will do better from now on!
We're heading out of here shortly, Dan, Dave, et al., so we expect to arrive around 3:30pm or so this afternoon. I do not look like my cat avatar, but you will be able to recognize my car since it's a black '04 with virginia tags of "Rflagg". See you guys in a little while, keep up the great work! -m.
Another update for those following this saga closely. They're on driver #4 (Rick)...he just called in. At 415 miles into the marathon, get this, they just dropped the first 'pip' on the fuel guage!!! All 4 drivers will achieve over 100mpg for their first 4 hour legs. It's looking more and more likely that 1200 miles will be achieved. I think it will be interesting to watch results today. More daytime traffic on the road could affect technique some and perhaps the timing of lights could increase the number/frequency of stops necessary. But also the warmer daytime temps should help fuel economy.
As a matter of fact, this just in from Dan K....who's now sleeping. ___Shift 1, Daa K 104.7 MPG Start 7PM, End 11PM, Ave Temp: 72F Overall FE for 4 RT Segments: 44.52 Km/L or 104.7 mpg E/T: 04:03 Distance Traveled: 200.38 Km or 124.23 Avg. FE with Engine On: 12.41 Km/L Percent Distance ICE On: 28% Fuel Consumed: 4.501 L # of Stop Lights hit during 4 RT segments: 21 # of Stop Signs hit during 4 RT Segments: 12 # of Slow downs below 20 mph without a complete Stop during the 4 RT Segments: 13 ___Shift 2, Dave B. 100.6 MPG Start 11PM, End 3AM, Ave Temp: 65F Overall FE for 4 RT Segments: 42.75 Km/L or 100.6 mpg E/T: 3:57 Distance Traveled: 201.54 Km Avg. FE with Engine On: 12.07 Km/L Percent Time ICE On: 28% Fuel Consumed: 4.714 L # of Stops during 4 RT segments: 16 # of Stop Signs hit during 4 RT Segments: 12 # of Slow downs below 20 mph without a complete Stop during the 4 RT Segments: 10 Cumulative FE after 2 drivers and 8 RT segments: 102.6 mpg ___Shift 3, Wayne G. 102.9 MPG Start 3AM, End 7AM, Ave Temp: 64.5F Overall FE for 4 RT Segments: 43.77 Km/L or 102.9 mpg E/T: 3:50 Distance Traveled: 201.02 Km Avg. FE with Engine On: 13.91 Km/L Percent Time ICE On: 32 Fuel Consumed: 4.593 L # of Stops during 4 RT segments: 10 # of Slow downs below 20 mph without a complete Stop during the 4 RT Segments: 11 Cumulative FE after 3 drivers and 12 RT segments: 102.7 mpg ___Shift 4, Rick R. 106.7 MPG Start 7AM, End 11:15AM, Ave Temp 71F Overall FE for 4 RT Segments: 45.37 Km/L or 106.7 mpg E/T: 4:10 Distance Traveled: 202.37 Km Avg. FE with Engine On: 10.59 Km/L Percent Distance ICE On: 23 Fuel Consumed: 4.461 L # of Stops during 4 RT segments: 36 # of Slow downs below 20 mph without a complete Stop during the 4 RT Segments: 15 Cumulative FE after 4 drivers and 16 RT segments: 103.7 mpg ___Shift 5, Dan K. 111.9 MPG Start 11:15AM, End 3:30PM, Ave Temp 80F Overall FE for 4 RT Segments: 47.59 Km/L or 111.9 mpg!!! E/T: 4:16 Distance Traveled: 201.31Km Avg. FE with Engine On: 14.18 Km/L Percent Distance ICE On: 30 Fuel Consumed: 4.231 L # of Stops during 4 RT segments: 36 # of Slow downs below 20 mph without a complete Stop during the 4 RT Segments: 20 Cumulative FE after 5 drivers and 20 RT segments: 625 Miles @ 105.4 mpg. 6 fuel Bars Showing. And just to make you REALLY sick, Rick Reece is at 115.5 MPG after his first 2 RT's!! And he doesn't even own a Prius!
Thanks Evan, that is phenomenal! I've been following this thread off and on all day and look forward to every update. The 4 drivers are really doing a fantastic job of economy driving, I found myself driving today trying to coast and it doesn't take much practice to get the hang of it, but I'll leave the high mpg's to the economy junkies, thank you. If anyone wants to contribute for a jacuzzi and foot and ankle massage, for these guys, I'll be happy to chip in.
I believe that Rick Reese started with an insight, but he is a Prius owner these days His Prius 'White Knight', on and A second Prius, 'Fuel Miser'
Hey rflagg! I hear that a black 04 showed up while I was sleeping. Sorry I missed you. Will you be around today?