Was I a jerk, or was the other guy a jerk? I pulled into a parking space at the grocery store today, and a moment later a guy in an SUV pulled into the adjacent space. The wind was fierce today. A North Dakota kind of day. While I was gathering up my grocery bags the other guy opened the door of his SUV and WHAM!!! it smacked into my door so hard my whole car shook. We got out of our respective cars and there was a thin scratch on my door, maybe 5 or 6 inches long, where his door had hit, surrounded by a smudge. The guy insisted that it was nothing, that it was merely the paint from his car door, and he proceeded to rub it with his thumb to show that it would come right off. Much of it did, but the scratch remained. He then said that the scratch had probably already been there, but dropped that line when I pointed out that the scratch was EXACTLY where his door had hit. He then repeated that it was nothing, and at my suggestion that he give me his insurance information, complained that both our insurance rates would go up if I filed a claim. I suggested he pay me something for the damage, and he asked me how much. I suggested $20, and he replied that he had no money, only his debit card. I suggested we go inside and he take some money from the ATM machine, and he complained about the charge he would incur for the withdrawal. So I said, okay, I'll just write down your license plate number. At that he agreed to get money in the store. At one point I even said that I would give him my address if he would give me his word to send me the $20, but he grumbled at that, and in the end agreed to get the $20 at the store's check-out. Which he did. He gave me the $20 and I signed a paper saying that I had received $20 from him. At one point he complained that it was my fault for parking the wrong way (facing out rather than in) though if I'd been facing in he'd only have banged my passenger-side door. Was I being a jerk for asking for $20? Was I a sucker for settling for so little? I know damn well that if I had not been there he'd have moved his SUV and never said a thing (he made it clear he considered me a jerk for not letting him off free). He bitched and griped constantly about the money, though he probably spends twice that every week to fill his SUV, which he was driving alone. He kept saying that the scratch would rub out with (I think he said) Simonize. But that would still leave the paint scratched, and I know the body shop would not look at it for less than $100, and would probably charge more, and every scratch affects resale value. On the other hand, I don't really care about the scratch, and I will definitely not take it to the body shop. I was just pissed at the guy for being such a jerk about it, for not being careful with his door, and (I admit it) for driving an SUV. But I can tell you this: If it had been any other car but the Xebra (which is fiberglass) that whack would have left a very deep dent in the metal and much more than a scratch in the paint, and I know this guy would not have taken responsibility if he had not been caught red-handed. If the guy had been driving an econo-box I think I'd have let it go. If the driver had been a pretty girl I definitely would have let it go. I might have even let it go if he'd been apologetic. But he was driving a gas-guzzling road-hogging stinker of an SUV and kept telling me it was my fault for parking facing out rather than in (which, as I said, would only have put the damage on the other side!) So should I have just told him to forget it? Should I have insisted on more than $20? Or did I do the right thing? Opinions welcome.
I think you did right to hold his feet to fire and be accountable for something that was his fault. Our culture seems to consider avoidance of accountability as a virtue, and is riddled with exemplars at every level of political, corporate and commercial enterprise (the Bush administration made avoidance of accountability its highest and most important science). I commend your persistence in not letting him go, although it's obvious he did not take a lesson from it and will die believing you were the donkey, not him. I would not have been as patient with him, myself. At some point after his continued balkings and shedding of blame I would have stopped the proceedings, taken down his license and told him he would hear from my insurance company later, and walked away. That would have left him with several days of discomfiture wondering how much it would ultimately cost him. I think it never occurs to real assholes that that's what they are. People who aren't assholes are the only ones who wonder if they might have been. An donkey by definition is someone thoughtlessly inconsiderate or rude, or deliberately inconsiderate or rude. In the first instance their very thoughtlessness precludes any possibility of reflection, in the second instance they believe they're in the right. In neither instance would they ever consider they were wrong. That you admit the possibility you might have been wrong yourself puts you on the side of personal accountability. If wrong, you would apologize, and volunteer recompense, financial or otherwise, as appropriate. No donkey would ever do that. So congratulations, and congratulations for at least getting $20.
Would I say you were being a jerk? Yes Would I say that I am amazed that he didn't really apologize? Yes Would I say that you probably would have let it go had his inital reaction been something like "Oh crap, sorry about that! The wind blew the door out of my hand. Sorry about your car, I really didn't mean to scratch it. This is so embarrassing!" Yes If it were Octavia, would you have insisted on getting her phone number? Ohhhhh Yeaaaahhhhh Daniel, I think most people would be willing to let it go, it happens to all of us and almost never on purpose. Kind of a karma thing. But you have every right to pursue this as you see fit. Does that make you a jerk? No, not really, you made a choice. Your choice was colored by your perceived opinion of the driver, his value system etc. Is it good to broadly paint someone like this? Not really, but it happens to all of us. Keep the $20 with you though, in case you accidentally bang into someone else's door. And do better than this guy, and apologize profusely. A little humility goes a long way.
I would have beat the living crap out of the guy. I've done that sort of thing before when somebody damages my property
I am hoping that is just a joke. No mature person would risk a criminal charge for a scratch on a car. Now, that being said I would not have accepted $20 for a scratch due to someone's actions, regardless of it being an accident. That is why we pay insurance. This has happened to me in the past and I have given them the choice of paying for the repair or giving me their insurance carrier information and policy number. Scratches around here start at about $500 to repair. I had a dent on one of my cars from a woman in a big hurry in her MBZ and that dent cost over $900 to remove and repaint the door. The only way they learn to be careful in the future is when you hold them accountable for their actions. Sometimes that is hard to do but that is life. By the way I am very nice and professional about it. I do not get upset, yell or make comments that I would not want to be held accountable for. I find that calm results in calm - generally.
Nope not one bit at all, who knows if he hadn't been such a jerk and given you his address or phone number you might of returned his $20 had the scratch actually rubbed out as easily as he claimed.
He was definately in the fault, even though I am sure it was an accident. But that is what insurance is for. You look at a car the wrong way, and you do $500 damage. Settling for $20 was rediculous, and you should have definately gotten the insurance info. But what's done is done.
This same sort of thing happened to me a couple of weeks ago. Lady pulls in next to me with her beater. WHAM. Her door right into me. Casually says, "sorry." I check to see if there is any damage, fortunately, not. But, I'm just like you at that moment...what should I do? Well, anyways, I won't pass judgement as to whether you were a jerk. That's for you to decide for yourself. I will say that I learned something new today at a Ford dealer body shop that might help you. I have always assumed you need to repaint the body part to fix scratches. The shop manager told me though that often they can "buff it out." This is appropriate for where the paint is marred but there is little or no damage to the underlying metal. So they buffed out my wife's Ford Windstar today, and I was just amazed at the result. They took 10-15 inch, light to medium scratches back to 90-95% of the original look. (These scratches came from my wife brushing the car against plastic garbage bins in our garage.) By the way, they charged me $67 to fix three scratches of this type. They also gave me an estimate if I had had them repaint the two worst scratches: $861. So, your $20 just might cover your scratch after all.
+100000000000 They damage your car, they pay. Make them pay. Insurance or cash - their choice. Be sure to get a license plate (and pictures of the dent and the relative placement of the cars) in case they run - a woman in a huge-nice person SUV left a dent in my other car and just left when I tried to talk to her about it. I had to go to the cops.
Thanks to all for your thoughts. He was being a jerk, but the scratch was an accident, not intentional. You hit him, you're liable to wind up in jail. Not a smart move. And anyway, he was bigger than me. I figured he was probably right, that filing a claim would raise my insurance rates as well as his. And I don't care about the scratch as much as his attitude. I wanted to teach him a lesson about damaging someone else's property. But I actually didn't want him to have to pay hundreds of dollars in higher insurance. I just wanted him to feel like shit for his carelessness. $20 hurt him emotionally, but won't really affect his finances if he can afford to put gas in that SUV. The Xebra has a fiberglass body, so whatever applies to scratches on metal might not apply.
I'm surprised he resisted forking over $20. Seemed the least he could do. That being said, it's not worth your time to go any further by filing a report over it. Your time is more valuable than fixing a tiny scratch. Yes ,the guy was an A-hole.
A number of years ago my mom was in a similar, but worse, situation. In a parking lot, some old lady rear ended my mom. The law is probably different by state, but according to both the police and the insurance companies, accidents in parking lots don't assign fault to either party - essentially, each party is responsible for fixing their own car. So my mom was just SOL and had to buy a new bumper for her Mercedes. If i remember right, the total cost was less than her deductible (which was set pretty high to avoid involving insurance for little things and jacking up her premiums), but it was still a decent chunk of money.
I'm concerned that trying to buff out the scratch may damage the paint all around the scratch, and turn a hardly-visible scratch into a broad smudge. That's totally weird!
Guy is obviously an ahole. Some people will undoubtedly call you a jerk because you had the balls to admit that your behavior was based on bias and/or spite, but that is misguided, imo. Upon making an error, his first action is to try and minimize what happened, going so far as to advance an obviously laughable line of supposition. After getting busted, he then attempts obfuscation in order to get out of paying up. And really, why would anyone expect anything else? We live in a society where this kind of situation plays out every single day on TV. Politicians and corporations make claims, some of which are easily disproved or are based on obviously erroneous reasoning, and when called on it, they change their story and try to rewrite history, rather than admitting they were wrong (or not lying in the first place.. what a novel concept).
Make them pay MONEY. That is the only way that goals #1 and #2 will be achieved. You still have a plate number? Letting people get away with this crap just lets these douchebags go on being douchebags.
If you re-read my OP, he did give me $20 in the end. I'd have asked for $100 if I'd thought he have paid it. But if I had, I'm pretty sure he'd have refused, and I'd have had to deal with the insurance or let it drop. He'll be kicking himself for losing the $20, and that's a satisfactory compromise. I wonder if he realizes how lucky he is that my car is fiberglass. Had it been metal there'd have been a multi-hundred-dollar dent. And here's a kicker: He was at the store to get one item that he had a coupon for, but the store didn't have it. So his trip to the store was wasted AND he lost $20.
You are absolutely right that he's kicking himself about the $20. I suspect it will grind at him for a lonnnnnnnnnng time. In some ways, that is a more painful burn that if you had gone the insurance route. I'm starting to wonder if you are an evil genius.....
I didn't have time to read all the replies but just HAVE to pipe up in response to your op Daniel. I think its the SAME GUY that left a big long dent in my car, and the rate bastard did just drive off and not take responsibility. All else being equal, your story gives me a grim sense of satisfaction, even if just by proxy.