I have a Package 6 and just had the dealer help me understand how to activate the alarm. I tried the dance to activate the passive alarm, but haven't had any luck.. I am sure it is user error. So the alarm goes off when I open the door after locking it with the SKS, but how do I get the panic button on my Fob to go off? It doesn't do anything when I push it. Sorry if this has already been asked, I couldn't find it, but if it is somewhere just point me in that direction. Thanks.
For the panic button to work you need to press and hold it for, I think, 2 seconds. It's so it doesn't get triggered if the buttons pushed accidentally.
Duh, just figured that out. Thanks for the help, in my Ford you only had to tap it to get it to go off. You are right, you have to hold it down for a few seconds. I've had the car since Feb. and never needed that button until today when I "lost" it in a parking lot and the panic button was of no use cause I couldn't get it to work. Problem solved.