That was'd think he'd just lay down and pass out at some point, but his determination to get up and walk out with that case of beer was an effort worthy of mention.
Parking Fail. Someone needs a backup camera. [ame=]YouTube - Parking Fail[/ame]
That's not snow. That's glare ice, or more likely black ice with a very thin dusting of snow over it. A car does not slide sideways with no apparent slowing unless there's ice underneath.
That's the video I use to demonstrate to people who are shopping for cars that 4WD SUVs will not save them in the snow (also that they will be publicly humiliated on the internet).
I did enjoy all these clips. Thanks to Tre, Speed, and others who post them. They are a great time killer!
No improvement over original concept
Would that Diogenes were alive today. After more than two millennia, he would be able to put down his lantern and rest. It was said of Diogenes that throughout his life he "searched with a lantern in the daylight for an honest man." And though Diogenes apparently did not find an honest man, he had, in the process, "exposed the vanity and selfishness of man." More