<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(pearsonrj\";p=\"102046)</div> Toyota's implementation. My understanding is that many (most?) other makes and models with BT don't have that limitation (i.e. you can enter phone numbers into the phonebook without having to use BT transfer to do so). Quite a few Prius owners with V710s have placed 100% of the blame on Verizon for the lack of phonebook transfer from the V710 to the car. However, the same exact phone transfers the entire contents of the PB without any problem in BT-enabled BMW models. Apparently, BMW has worked closely with Verizon to resolve any issues with PB transfer and has added the necessary profiles to accomplish that feat. Toyota needs to do the same, IMHO.
I've been able to transfer names and phone numbers from my Cingular Nokia 3600, but it would be alot easier if you also had the option of typing them directly into the MFD...
I thought about the deluxe options when I bought my Prius a year ago and decided against the Navigation option because I thought it was too expensive for what I would get. I plan to get a good portable GPS (one that could be programmed while driving, but by my copilot). The only thing I miss from the top end package is the 6 CD changer. I don't have an automatic garage door and can live easily without the garage door auto dimming mirror. Garmin, among others, make excellent GPS units for cars. Because it's portable, I could use it in a number of vehicles, including my partner's car. And, I can have GPS operating at the same time as other displays on the MFD. Bob
I pretty much LOVE it all. I think the JBL system sounds awesome with more bass than I could ever use! My only tiny, microscopic niggles: I miss the "Attenuation" button on my old car stereo. It was great when a commercial came on to just hit that button which took the volume down -20dB (or something like that) so that it was no longer obtrusive, but you could hear when the commercials were over to hit it again for normal volume. I hate having to hit "agree" on the GPS screen every time you start the car.
I have had mine with pkg 6 for only 3 weeks and I agree that there is some 'muffle' to the speakers. Perhaps there is an adjustment? As to using the BT handsfree whilst 'underway', I do it all of the time at speed with my Motorola e815/Verizonwireless and pressing the wheel telephone icon/button. I have not setup the phonebook as yet, but I just tap the 1-dial on the screen and it works...even mutes the stereo when the call connects!
I debated for a long time on pkg 4 vs. 6, and I'm glad I went with the 6. Likes: HID headlamps, big time GPS -- handy for "where's a restaurant we haven't been to before?"-type things, as well as "where the heck am i?" Voice function is pretty useless, for the most part, to me. keyless entry -- just cool I don't have a BT phone yet -- probably get a Motorola V551 on ebay soon Dislikes: Auto-dimming mirror. I hate all of them -- they respond way too slowly. It'd really like to beat the inventor with a Suburban's headlight. I've seriously thought about taking it off and putting the normal pkg #4 mirror on! The controls on the stereo are a pain. I want 6 buttons on the dash, one for each disk. No pull up a screen & pick one, or cycle through with up/down. Just push a button for each disc like my old car had. The sound on the stero isn't that good either, and I'm pretty tone deaf. All in all, I'm still glad I got the pkg 6, though. Makes it feel like less of a tin-can commuter car and more like something special & high tech. That may not mean anything to you, but it does to me. dave.
dstrout, just use John's quick and easy mod. Tape a small piece of semi-transparent paper (can't remember what he used) to the back of the mirror so it'll sense it's darker and respond faster. Also, do you know you can switch CDs on the steering wheel?
Bob, I too wanted the package 6, but couldn't justify the extra money for the NAV, HID, and BT so settled for the package 5, but after reading so many PriusChat posts wish I had gotten it. Oh well, NAV will be in my next one. Anyway, if you have a laptop, look into the Microsoft Streets and Trips with GPS (about $129.00). This is a great travel tool and the laptop screen size beats all other hand helds for clarity and detail. You can also plug in to the internet and get highway updates before you leave. Highly recommend all the programing to be done by a co-pilot while driving.
Ahhh, good call on the tape -- I'll try that. Thanks. Re: the CD's, it's not that big of a deal. It annoys me to have to push "up" 3 times to go from CD1 to CD4. Not a big deal, just not as nice as my old stereo. I can use the touch screen to skip directly, which is what I do, but 6 buttons across the face of the stereo is best, IMHO. But, that's just a nit. dave.
It would have been nice if either, all packages were available in all parts of the country (where I live, it's just the even-numberred ones) or allow picking the exact options you want. It's quite a contrast to the Scion line where every option is available separately. (I picked Scion as an example because it's a Toyota division) Of course, maybe it would have made the Prius costlier for the same pre-packaged set of options.
We bought Pkg 6 because we wanted the stability control and {something else, I forget what} but they weren't both available in Pkg 4 or 5. We had to buy 6 to get them both. So Toyota's irritating packaging strategy worked on us. We've only had the car for a week and a day, but I can tell you that we generally like the Pkg 6 options. The major dislike at this point is that the BlueTooth connection seems to drop off much too often. Grr. Other than that, it's pretty much all good. Karl B. Philadelphia, PA
The voice isn't useless, but I've had to pick between the voice and the map several times when they gave conflicting instructions, and usually the map turns out right. Usually. Not always. One rather annoying thing is an occasional sluggishness in the "turn here" direction: when I've already passed the right intersection, it's finally telling me to turn. Seems to come and go, though. One troublesome intersection in Connecticut had it telling me to turn too late a couple of times in April, while a few weeks ago it managed to do the job correctly...
Check out the thread here that is called overriding the navigation system without cutting any wires. It has changed the way I drive my car. There is an easter egg that we all just found out about where you can disable the feature which does not allow you to enter addresses etc. while the car is moving. Here it is, but check out the other thread. #1 Hit the menu button #2 Hit the volume option #3 Hit the little speaker in the upper left hand corner, then the bottom left hand corner, and then the upper left hand corner, and then the bottom left hand corner again #4 a screen should pop up, hit the override button and hold it down. It will beep and stay highlighted. #5 Hit the back button and do whatever you want while the car is in full motion. THis feature disables itself after the car is turned off and you'll need to do it each time you want to override, but once you figure it out, it takes about 2 seconds.
I believe #6 was worth the extra money. Every last penny. The HID lamps are like sunlight at night. The extra UV allows you to see more reflective material. For example, the eye's of animals that are about to jump in front of you! More than once, I have been able to avoid a possible animal VS Prius encounter. The JBL sound system sounds great, once you use the EQ to balance it. Perhaps, the folks who complain about the "muddy" audio don't know how to use the EQ... The highs and mids are excellent, the lows could be improved. Just my $.02. The CD Changer is nice. It's not too slow, but it isn't instant. I rarely use the MFD to change discs. Press and hold up or down button on the steering wheel for a few seconds. GPS: The software override to enable destinations while in movement is great. I don't mind that normally I can't insert a destination while in motion; it keeps my attention on the road. The audible announcement works 95% of the time and allows me to keep my eyes on the road and not on the MAP screen. It's nice that it automatically re-routes you from your current position. On a trip from Olympia to Cannon Beach, the NAV guided me through some great back roads, avoiding I-5. SKS is a great stress relief. I never worry about having to pull my keys out... I was in Seattle, illegally parked on Post Alley by Post Alley Pizza when I dropped my keys (to my locked car) into a sewer drain. Voice Control works fine; as long as you present your voice with clear and constant tone. "Suspend guidance" sometimes activates "setting temperature to 68 degrees," which I haven't quite figured out. 90% of the time, voice control works fine.
For those who are disappointed in the "Premium" JBL system might want to check the previous posts about disconnecting the center speaker.
I finally found the sound adjustment panel on the MFD and now have the JBLs working to my satisfaction...stereo sounds grrrrreat! And, just about 0422 thsi morning, I was able to upload my phonebook via the 2 laptop-Bluetooth methods described in other messages.... Saaaweeeeettttttttt!
You miss not having a CD changer and here I havent even used mine even once. I dont carry CD's with me since I have my Ipod. Ive actually wondered if I could take it out and find a DVD player small enough to fit there. I didnt get package 6 so I dont have DVD navigation. Sure would be nice to watch (not the driver of course) movies on long trips.