I don't drive my car all that much at night, but I was driving home around 9:30 last night and noticed that the driver's side window opener button kept flashing "auto" at me. At first I thought it was just reflecting passing street lights, but it kept doing it even when parked in my driveway. Very peculiar. What possible purpose would this serve? Was the car asking to have it's windows rolled down? Maybe it wanted me to turn up the music too? Cruise around for some cute little SmartCars? Is my car a player?
The auto light only blinks when the vehicle needs the auto up/down function of the window reset. The car needs to relearn the full up and down points so it operates correctly. Better check the manual about that light because it also might indicate that auto up/down might not be working correctly or that there is a failure in the auto/up down system (I'm not trying to alarm you, just telling you that the flashing auto light does have a meaning). Try to reset the window first. If that works, the auto light should stop blinking.
This makes sense. I had the windows tinted the day before. So my car really was begging to have the windows rolled down. Clever little thing!
Is there any way to disable the auto up/down button? (I can't stand that feature, find it too sensitive.) rob