Yes it just so happens that I'll be taking delivery of my new 2010 Prius on my birthday, tomorrow! It's the Canadian Premium package, in silver. I wanted leather seats, and they didn't have one at the dealership, so I arranged through the dealership to have a local upholsterer to swap out the fabric for heated leather seats. I checked in on it the other day while he was working on it and it looked freaking amazing. Better than factory leather, by far, and at the same cost. Will post pics as soon as I can. I'm trading in my 2007 FJ Cruiser, which was the first new vehicle I ever bought. So going to be about the most extreme change possible, short of trading in a Mack truck. Expecting to save $200/mo on gas and $200/mo on car payments, and possibly some on insurance. Anyway, this looks like a fantastic forum, and I've been reading through threads for a few days. Very knowledgeable people in here. Just a couple mods I want to do: - swap out XM module for Sirius - wire in my amp & subwoofer Heading to bed now to make tomorrow come faster.
Happy Birthday! Congratulations. I just got my first Prius last week and am loving it. Sounds like yours is going to be really nice.
Happy B-day Welcome to the club I planned mine for my 50th but got it a few months early In any case I am now past my b-day and enjoying the car I've driven 4800 klm 3000 miles and still learn new things. Great car
That's got to be the BEST present ever!!! It's MY birthday today too, so happy birthday to us!!! My Gen III is approaching it's one year anniversary. I'll probably hit 10,000 miles before that date in June. I'm still loving it!!!!!!
Happy birthday. Did you spend the "Birth night" sleeping in your car? Remember to post some pictures of your leather seats. We'd love to share your joy.
Happy Birthday! Please let us know about the seats when they're done. Let us know the brand, and, if you can, go to the Toyota dealership and compare them with the leather seats in a new Prius, and let us know. Have a blast with the car!!!
Happy birthday and congratulations! With regard to swapping out XM for Sirius... is that necessary? Sirius bought XM a couple years ago, so the programming is/can be the same. In other words, you're supposed to be able to get a Sirius package delivered over XM.