I have a 2010 model II. When I check my MPG history, the only number displayed in a numeric format is the "Best Tank". Is there a way to see what the computer calculates the "Current" or "Last" tanks to be, or am I destined to use the old fashioned but more accurate calculator because I bought a model II? Nolo
At the bottom of both the Hybrid System Indicator and the 5 Min/1 Min trend displays are a three numbers. One is the current miles since the last Trip reset. The CONS which is current consumption in MPG. The third number is your average mph since the last trip reset. The CONS mpg number is the number you are looking for to monitor mpg between tank refills and trip resets.
What you are seeing is the number of miles driven since the last time the trip meter was reset. Each time you reset it, another bar will show up for a total of the last five resets. Each bar will have the number of miles driven underneath the bar and the "best tank" number will be the number of miles for the best of the five resets.