So how does anyone think the current disaster in the Gulf going to effect the recent decision to "drill, baby, drill"? Right now we have the worst of all possible worlds,, leaking oil, likely to fowl beaches and fishing grounds and now the Coast Guard is going to light it on fire! So we get water pollution, as well as air pollution as well as CO2 emission from energy we didn't even get to use! Let's just call it a Carbon Tax! And how about we implement a "real" Carbon tax" to help us move away from such crazy energy choices! PS. I can already hear the argument that we rely on off shore oil, and I accept that, in todays reality that is true. That said, we sure as hell don't have to do any more of it! Let's spend our money and "energy" moving away from reliance on off shore oil in all it's forms and move toward a greener more sustainable energy.
Marginal effect is my guess. Most people who are concerned about the eco/enviro damage are already against drilling.
Perhaps more people will become aware of environmental damage, and not blithely dismiss it as 'doomsday rantings' of 'tree-huggers'. edit: Is Sarah going to say "Burn, baby, burn" now?
nice speech by p.o. yesterday in idaho re: wind power, i think he's on the right track. can't figger these guys out tho, now that ted's dead, looks like the nantucket sound thingy is a go. talking to my neighbor's the other day, solid democrats, he's a doctor, she's a selectman here in town. they actually mowed "bush be gone" in their field, which was caught on sattelite on google maps. so he says to me, we looked into solar panels, i said, that's great, i am to. don't bother, he says, they're twenty grand and won't pay for themselves. now these two have way more money than they know what to do with. i tell him that there are more benefits to solar energy than payback and start to explain about the prius. yeah, e says, cutting me off, i see you have two. and i try to explain about pollution and promoting new technologies and gas prices will probably go up. and he cuts me off again and says, well, even tho they don't pay for themselves, at least they make you feel good about yourself. and by now, i'm looking for a shovel or something to whack him upside the head with. course, he drives a porche and she a mercedes. sometimes, you just have to know when to quit.
It is interesting how people become "tree huggers" when it is their trees! Now that it is threatening the beaches it is a big deal. The ban on drilling off CA after Santa Barbara. (Nobody cares about the coast of Venezuela or Nigeria). "Green" Cape Codders and Natucketites may all be for wind in North Dakota, but god forbid that they might have to look at it! NIMBYism is rampant, (and I understand it!) but the sooner we realize that there is no "free lunch", and that our energy choices come with costs,, some of which we all have to bear, the faster we might be able to begine to solve some of the daunting issues before us. Given a choice between Cape wind and drilling in Nantucket Sound,,, no contest! A choice btween a Nuke plant in Yarmouth ME or a wind farm in the mountains of Maine,,, once again no contest. And on, and on,,,,
Absolutely. I think offshore drilling ban is more because of NIMBYism than tree huggers. So is the opposition to nukes. Wonder what happens when Peak oil starts hitting hard. I'd be surprised if drilling limits are gone lifted everywhere in a decade - not that it will bring in much oil.
My opposition to nukes has little to do with Nimby, though if were to propose one in my front yard I would be all over it like,,, My opposition to nukes is that it has never been demonstrated to me that the waste can be made safe. I don't mean safe enough to lock in a cave for a few thousand years, but more can you keep that cave secure? Do you (or any one) honestly believe that there are not enough "evil" in this world, that some day, in the future some latter day terrorist won't figure out how to get it out? The Soviets couldn't contain their nuke stuff for a generation, and they wish us to believe we can keep it "safe" for tens of thousands of years? Not only that, nukes come at a considerable human health cost a nearly every turn. From uranium mining and processing to nuke plant workers to down winders to decomissioning, to long term storage. Nope,, as we used to say, no nukes is good nukes! Energy efficiency, RE like wind, Pv solar, smartgrid technology is where we must go, if we are really going to tackle many of these issues. The fact is, we use too much energy, and too much of what we use is used inefficiently, and much is just plain wasted. For example, the sun shines on everyones house nearly every day, and yet we burn coal/oil/natural gas to heat our hot water. Solar hot is (in a very real sense) cheap and easy to do, why we don't do it everywhere that it is feasible is beyond me! My simple little home made solar hot water system cost ~$500, and gives us ~75% of our hot water needs in the cloudy Pac. NW. (200% mid summer, 50% in the winter)
They have simply got to get that well plugged quickly. Burning the oil slick (which might begin soon) has not been done on such a scale before I think. It would, unfortunatley, lead to the kind of video that media loves to tease with before commercial breaks.
I was actually drifting for offshore drilling before this accident. I was under the impression that it had become safe enough and liability was enough to keep them from taking big risks. I was wrong. I liked the idea of the oil money staying here and the jobs being here as well. The energy security was also a benefit. But with this type of accident shows the technology to control the wellhead that deep is just not ready. Clearly the plan and the backup plan for stopping the flow were wishful thinking. The damage could be so severe that some areas may not recover for decades if this oil makes it to shore. It is already doing great damage now.
I'm no expert, but I believe they do some reprocessing which reduces the 1/2 life somewhat, and they they vitrify it, and store it in salt caves. There is where the fundamental insecurity lies IMHO, Icarus
The French make heavy use of reprocessing, which reduces the amount of waste by a large percentage. However, I think that it might actually enrich the waste, so it's somewhat more dangerous. There's a lot less of it though. Here in the states we currently don't reprocess spent fuel rods, but I don't know why.
besides the oil rig disaster, we also have several families coal miners in West VA and Oli refinery workers in WA who mourning the loss of loved ones all from incidents in the too recent past. let me ask you this; after a coal mine is dead and gone, what is the environmental impact of what is left behind? same with an oil refinery or oil well? think about that then lets think about what is left behind when a wind farm is no longer wanted (i did not say "not needed" as some people cant always discern the difference!!) or solar panels?? now we are not talking about what materials and messes that were created when these products were manufactured since all products have a degree of that to contend with. i am sure that wind and solar would have a much bigger footprint simply because there needs to be so many more of them besides that, we also need to look at what they would be replacing which would be a POV system that runs on fossil fuels which is where half of the displaced oil would have gone. (coal could easily be wiped out completely) so that means a huge supply of natural resources, many many many people to retool and realign several major industrial areas. that will take MILLIONS of workers. so we do have drawbacks. people dont grow on trees. so now... where do we get all these people?? **edit** sorry, got carried away and completely forgot why i was posting to begin with... a carbon tax is essentially what Europe has been doing for years. that is why gas is so expensive and that is also why they have dozens of very high mileage options that we dont. now their carbon tax in Germany paid for the greatest renewable energy system in world, in France it paid for the nuclear industry, in most other countries it simply paid for health care and roads and efficient EFFECTIVE mass transit. but why would "we" need any of that?
Did you notice that BP has seemed to pull all their "pro-environmental" ads from TV? Once again, the risk vs. reward has shown the reality. We need the oil and so does China. Maybe we need to invade South America and drain them of their underground resources and let our sandy beaches remain tourist strongholds. I don't know the answer either but I'm glad I have a Prius with fuel about $3.00/gal. here in FL.
salt in the wounds; as a footnote...due to increased oil prices on crude, Exxon announced a 39% increase in profits for 2010 Q1 nice...
Actually the technology is there, the companies feel it is easier to say 'oops, we're sorry' rather than spend the money for the technology. In Brazil and Norway (Europe?) oil rigs have a installed 'shut off valve' at the well head which is meant to prevent leaks of this sort. This was not installed in this wellhead as it is not required by US regulations. It is a well known, device, but since it isn't required, it isn't used. Oil Spill in Gulf of Mexico More Severe Than Estimated, BP Confirms - ABC News