Wow, I am surprise how fast I received my Tax Rebate. From the time I mailed in the form to reciving the cheque, it is about 1.5 Week. (They send me back my original sales slip, with a stamp on it saying is already claim rebate, in a week) Now I am just waiting for the Federal rebate...
Mine also took less than 2 weeks to receive from Ontario!!! But I'm still waiting for Harper's 2 grand....
I mailed mine to the feds sometime in late june and received it just last week. So your looking at approx. 8 weeks.
Ditto mine. About 8 weeks give or take to get the money from Harper. The "Canadian premium" money I paid, unfortunately I will never get back. Still burns my butt thinking about that, though I do love the car- would have had the same love and $8,000 more in my pocket if I'd been able to buy it in the US in June, though it might have been tougher to get my hands on one!
Yeah, and what is the source of this damn Canadian Premium? Is it Toyota Canada or the Canadian government that's screwing us over?
I think is both. BTW, few nights ago I got a letter in the mail (from Service Canada) saying they are processing my Fed's rebate... (well is nice to receive a confirmation, but would be nicer if it was a cheque in the mail)
I know this is an old thread, but... How quick has Ontario been lately for getting the rebate cheques out? We sent our rebate request in around mid-Dec '09 and have not seen anything yet. Any other Ontario buyers still waiting? Paul
I got a letter today (2 months since purchase) saying: ...with my bill of sale sent back, but no cheque, or any other instructions/information. Is this normal? Update: the cheque arrived today, just a few days after the mystery letter. Hurray!
i just bought a prius used - and couldnt be happier - but was not aware of any tax credit - do i still qualify even though its used? How do i find out? And where would i apply for a rebate if so?