Went to the car wash this morning, one of the automatic (touchless) ones, while I'm in it, the sprayer stops in one place and just keeps blasting water. Well, I take to the nav system, find the gas station I'm at, find the number, hit the little green telephone button (I have a bluetooth phone), proceed to yell at the attendant over the water spray that I'm stuck in the car wash, and have people come out and reset it and free me. I know there are alternative ways, like 411, but that NAV helped in there. Just an interesting story I though I would share.
Or you could have gone the less Rube Goldberg route and just honked your horn. But your way was definitely the cooler, more high-tech way to get things done. Knowing me, I probably would have just got out of the car, walked into the station, and told the attendant that I’m stuck in the car wash. They then would have had to mop their wet floors. :x
The car wash was a good distance from the actual gas station, it actually registered .2 (maybe a block?) on the nav display. So doubtful I would have been heard. And I can't get my Prius wet! Plus it was before work, so it would have made for a hell of a long and wet workday.