China punished for using 14-year-old gymnast - Olympic Sports- I said before they were cheating in China with the little girls... I was right again.
So this means that 3 out of 4 gymnasts never get to compete, because they turn 16 in a non-Olympic year, and once past 16, nobody gets to compete. That hardly seems fair.
Ummmm... Bra... You're having an Emily Lattella moment there... Once past 16, they CAN participate in the Olympics... not the other way around. If it ain't an Olypic year when they are 16, they will get to participate in the next one if their country sends em.
My first thought was BWAAA HAAA HAAAA HAAAA I have no problem with 14 year old Chinese girls slaving away in factories, but I do NOT want them participating in pro sports