Here's a thought, not sure how well it'd work because I just thought of it: Cup Cozy (you know, the things you put around your beer/soda cans, to help keep them cold and not sweat all over everything). I'm wondering if it would fit nicely into that "water bottle" spot on the doors. Given they are usually a soft foam material, if you could easily remove it, it would probably work well. Otherwise, you could use some velcro to secure it in the area under the shifter. I'm sure it would hold a lot of coins, though it may need some re-inforcing so it doesn't make it too easy to dump them everywhere!
This is a old pic I have posted in a few threads regarding where to put your change. Here is the pic again. I lined it with felt and have thick tape on both ends to keep the change from falling out.
Yea but that's where I keep my iPod. I notice that the door pull has a rubber lining, has anyone put coins in there?
You don't want to store coins in a Prius. The extra weight hurts the gas mileage. Toyota was thinking ahead for us!
Do a Google Search enter, " Bell Coin Holder " It fits in a cup holder and keeps the coins from making noise. It also makes removing the coins easier since the whole thing can fit in your hand making it far easier to slide out the coins one at a time.
I put mine in the map pocket in the driver's door. I use the little tray inside the center console to lay my phone on while I'm charging it.
Yes, I am so frustrated that my 2010 Toyota Prius has nothing for the coins. I'm so used to a coin holder (coins, toll tickets, misc.) container left of the steering wheel in my 1999 Camry. What is worse is that there is PLENTY of room to add the little tray in that same location.
Oh, I have a coin holder that I grabbed from the BMW before they took her away. I just sat it inside the center console when I am not driving but in the storage area between the seats if I am on the road. Only need it every now and then for parking.
Is there anywhere else that I can get the Toyota OEM coin holder that was on eBay? The auction has ended and I can't find it online.
Sorry if this has been mentioned before (wasn't going to bother reading all the posts in this thread), but a buddy puts his change in the driver door handle, and then stuffs some black foam rubber on top to stop it from making any noice. Convenient, and the times I've been in the car and when he closes the door, you can not hear the change. Seems to much so that I plan to try it out when i take delivery of my new G3 next week.
I did the same, snatched the coin holder from my GMC Pick-up, but a strip of velcro on the bottom and put it in the tray under the console. It does not move and is always handy! I found the Bell Cup Holder/Coin Holder at for $3.73... Unfortunately, shipping is $13.15! Gee, wonder where they are making their money? Here's the one from my Truck in my Prius:
Car makers really should take note. This issue pops up not only in Prius Chat, but Honda Fit Forums and many other automotive sites. The people have spoken, they want change holders! I'm currently driving a Honda Fit, despite having more cupholders than anyone should ever need, it annoyingly does not have a clear designed space for convienent change storage. My solution was to buy a flip up cup style "ash tray", I think Bell makes them, I lined it with one of those insulaters available at The Dollar Store that are suppose to keep cans of pop cold, and I keep it in one of the many cup holders. Then when I get change I just throw it in the cup. No rattles or noise. Looks good. On the Prius you'd need a place to put the cup.
Slightly off-topic: Electric Me, what do you think of your Honda Fit? Love it? Like it okay? What year do you have?
I have a 2007 Honda Fit Sport and we just picked up the 2010 Prius III. Comparing the two, the Prius has a much quieter ride, feels more solid on the road, and gets better gas mileage. The Fit, in the other hand is quicker off the line, corners like a go cart, and can haul about as much as a Tahoe (as long as we're not talking bricks)! I get a consistent 32-34 MPG on my daily 19 mile commute, that's all city streets (21 stop lights), no highway, between my house and work. My wife will ride in the Prius on the highway, she says she doesn't feel safe in the Fit at highway speeds. I think it's more the size of the Fit compared to the larger Prius. The Fit is definitely a blast to drive, but the Prius blows it away on mileage. Both are awesome vehicles and I enjoy them both!